Sunday, December 06, 2020

Green Chilli or Red Chilli: Which one is healthier?

 Which chili is good for health?

Which one do you like- green or red? Which one is better? Or are they the same, except the colour? Chilies have always been known as ingredients that add spice to Indian food and without chilies, any Indian food is incomplete. There are two kinds of chilies found commonly in our household which are green chilies and red chilies. Both have distinct tastes and also have different health benefits. Born as green, when they are dried, they turn red as they lose all the water content and become more pungent. As sillies dry up and turn red, they lose a major chunk of nutrients. Here are some differences that you would like to know about.

Green chili vs. Red chili

Green chilies are definitely more healthy as compared to red chili powder. Green chilies have higher water content and zero calories which makes them a healthy choice for those who are trying to shed some pounds. Green chilies are a rich source of beta–carotene, antioxidants and endorrphins while red chilies consumed in excess can cause internal inflammation which results in peptic ulcers. The chances of artificial dyes and synthetic colours used in store bought red chili powders is extremely high. 

Benefits of green chilli

Manages blood sugar levels: Consuming green chillies regularly helps in balancing high blood sugar levels by controlling the insulin level.

Promotes digestion: Loaded with dietary fiber, green chilies help in better digestion.

Good for skin: Green chilies are a rich source of vitamin E and vitamin C which make them a very good spice for a healthy skin.

Keeps heart healthy: Due to a considerable proportion of beta-carotene, green chilies help in maintaining the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and also help in boosting immunity.

Aids in weight loss: Green chili helps in burning calories and speed up metabolism, therefore aids in weight loss.

Benefits of red chili

Maintains blood pressure: Thanks to its high potassium content that helps in soothing blood vessels and regulates blood pressure.

Burns calories: A compound called capsaicin in red chili increases the body's metabolism rate that directly burns down calories.

Rich source of Vitamin C: Red chilies are jam-packed with Vitamin C that helps in supporting the immune system and combat chronic diseases.

Prevents heart ailments: There are very powerful antioxidants in red chili that help in clearing blockages in blood vessels and arteries.

Whole dried red chilies or red chili powder?

Definitely whole dried red chilies are healthier than red chili powder. They are basically the dried, ripe green chilies. They are used in certain Indian and Pan Asian recipes for the taste they provide. They are used less for spiciness and more for flavour. It is safe to use them in comparison to red chili powder which may be loaded with artificial colours and flavours.

How should we consume them

The best way to consume both red and green chili is eating them raw. This will help you get rid of any problems associated with the adulteration and mixing of synthetic colours in the powder. Whenever you buy them you can store them in the refrigerator that will help them stay fresh.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement



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