Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Vitamins and minerals women of each age bracket should have

The food we eat not only provides us with energy but also improves our daily body functions. Fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, and legumes—all these food items are loaded with vitamins and minerals, which assist our body to carry out different functions. All these nutrients have a specific role to play. Iron is necessary for the formation of haemoglobin, calcium for bone, zinc for immunity and so on. Our body requires these nutrients every day in a specific quantity to carry out various functioning of the body. However, the requirements differ from your age, sex and health conditions.

Men and women require different nutrients

All the nutrients are vital for the body, and they should be consumed every day in an adequate amount to boost our health and immunity. However, due to biological differences, there are some nutrients women require more than men. Pregnancy, menstruation, menopause—all these events put a heavy toll on women's health. Thus, to stay healthy they need to be careful about the intake of certain foods.  

Women under 25 years of age


Calcium plays the most vital role in strengthening the bones and development of the muscles and nerves system. This mineral is essential for the proper development of the body. Building bone density in childhood and the 20s is important as we may face bone deficiency later in life. Dairy products, soy, fish are some great sources for calcium. The RDI for calcium is 1000 mg/day.

Vitamin D

To absorb calcium, you need Vitamin D. Without this nutrient, it becomes difficult for the bosy to absorb adequate amount of calcium. The Sun is the greatest source of Vitamin D. Besides, okra, salmon, cereals are some other food products that contain vitamin D in substancial amount. The RDI for Vitamin D is 600 IU.


During this phase, when women start to menstruate, many of their bodies faces iron deficiency. Even pregnant women require iron to maintain the level of healthy red blood cells in the body. Iron deficiency is quite common in menstruating women and often leads to paleness and weakness. Organ meat, fish, spinach, pumpkin seeds and pomegranate are some of the best sources of iron. The RDI for iron is 18mg/day.

From 25 to 40 years


Folate or folic acid is responsible for the formation of DNA, RNA and is the building block of the cells. It is especially crucial for pregnant women as it helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida in newborns. Citrus fruits, kidney beans, eggs and legumes should be a part of a regular diet of women belonging to this age group. RDI for folate is 600 mcg for pregnant and 500 mcg for breast-feeding women.


Iodine is another important mineral required for a baby’s healthy body development. It prevents any abnormal development in the baby's brain. As the women of this age group are more likely to get pregnant, a sufficient amount of iodine intake is a must for them. The RDA for iodine for women is 150 mcg.

Besides, iron is also an essential mineral for women belonging to this age group. Females between 25 to 50 age group need 18 mg of iron daily and pregnant women need 27 mg of iron daily.

Women from 40 years and above

Calcium and Vitamin D

Bone loss is common in old age so its necessary to intake calcium and vitamin to prevent fractures and injury. Both calcium and vitamin D should be consumed in a sufficient amount to prevent bones and muscle-related issues. RDI for calcium is 1200 mg and vitamin D is 600 IU.

Vitamin B-6 and B-12

Women of this age group need more vitamin B than women belonging to any other age group. The vitamin is essential for essential immunity and is responsible for the activation of 100 enzymes. Dark green vegetables, milk, fish must be a part of the diet at this age. The RDI for Vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg and of B-16 is 1.3 mg. 

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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