Monday, October 05, 2020

Egga- The right time to eat it

An egg is the most loved and devoured food items among weight watchers and bodybuilders. It is packed with several healthy nutrients and is one of the best sources of complete protein. It is versatile,  easy to cook and not very expensive. All these things make it easy for people to add it to their daily food menu. You can boil, scramble and have it with a toast or pair it with different veggies like capsicum, spinach and others. But like every other thing, there is a good and a bad time to eat eggs. If eaten at the right time the benefits of having an egg can grow manifold.

In breakfast

Eggs are the perfect breakfast menu, even if you are short on time. It takes hardly 5 to 10 minutes to prepare a dish made of egg. Moreover, it is rich in nutrients like zinc, magnesium, iron and most important of all protein. A protein-rich breakfast can keep you keep fuller for a longer time, and you will be able to concentrate on your work and shed some kilos. 

After workout

The high-protein food item is perfect for your post-workout hunger. It promotes satiety, provides energy and helps in repairing muscles. Our body requires more good nutrients to repair itself in the resting phase and there is nothing better than egg. It is light and can be a perfect snacking option between the meal. 2 whole boiled eggs or an omelette with some tomatoes, capsicum and spinach can energise you instantly.  

At night

Views on having an egg at night are divided. As per some studies, eggs can be a healthy post-dinner snacking option, while as per others they can lead to sleeplessness. Interrupted sleep after eating an egg is common among people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The fat content of egg yolks may lead to irritation and may cause disturbance in the sleep. However, as per some other studies eating an egg at night can help you sleep much better. When it comes to eating an egg at night, you will have to check what exactly suits you. If you do not face any problem then you can have boiled or poached egg at night, else it is better to avoid. 

How to prepare eggs when trying to shed kilos

You can try different recipes to add variety on your plate. There are a few things that you need to be careful about to increase the benefits of eating an egg.

Always prepare eggs in healthy oil.

Use minimum oil to cook eggs.

Do not overcook as it can lead to nutrient depletion.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement




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