Monday, October 05, 2020

COVID-19: Edible oils to be fortified with Vitamin A and D. Here is why these vitamins are important

The world has come to realise the importance of having a strong immune system now more than ever. With the number of growing coronavirus cases around the globe, people have started taking different measures to boost their immune health to reduce the risk of infection. Having a healthy internal defence system protects us from the invasion of foreign disease-causing viruses and bacteria.  

Here is all you need to know

Acknowledging the importance of the same, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is considering fortifying all kinds of edible oils with vitamin A and vitamin D. Both these nutrients play a critical role in boosting immunity and improving overall health. Deficiency of these vitamins in the body can have an adverse impact on our health.  

What is fortifying of foods?

Food fortification or food enrichment is the process of adding micronutrients to food that are not found in them naturally. Including fortified food in the diet can help to increase the intake of vitamins and nutrients that can reduce the risk of different health issues. Addition of Iodine to salt and vitamin D to milk are some excellent examples of food fortification.

Vitamin D

From maintaining strong bones to building immunity, vitamin D is required to carry out several functions of the body. Vitamin D is also a fat-soluble nutrient that has both anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties. This nutrient helps in the activation of the defence mechanism of the immune system. Low levels of vitamin D has often been associated with infection, disease, and immune-health related disorders. Deficiency of vitamin D is very common across the globe. So, to maintain the amount of daily recommended intake of vitamin D most people rely on supplements.

Sources: Sunlight, okra, mushroom, fish, dairy products are some common sources of vitamin D. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that plays several critical roles in our body. This nutrient is commonly found in foods we eat on a daily basis. Besides, if you want to increase the intake then you can consume the supplements. Vitamin A supports cell growth, improves immune function and helps in fetal development and improving vision. It supports the growth and distribution of T-cells in the body, which is a type of white blood cell that protects your body from infection and reduces the risk of falling ill. Deficiency of this nutrient leads to growth in the levels of pro-inflammatory molecules that reduce immune system response and function.

Sources: Egg Yolk, Salmon, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage and sweet potatoes are some of the best sources of vitamin A.

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