Sunday, October 04, 2020

How To Kill Any Body Infection The Natural Way

Have you heard of the legendary Fire Cider Recipe? It’s an amazing natural Master Tonic that’s great for treating any infection and avoids all the adverse side effects of Antibiotics.

Fire Cider is a mixture of sweet and spicy flavors you can mix up at home from just a few ingredients. It’s just what you need to give your immune system an all-natural boost, plus it enhances your circulatory and digestive systems.

Try it in those colder months when you’re prone to sinus infections, or whenever you feel a cold starting to come on or that ‘rundown’ feeling. It will give your immune system a huge boost. One of the key ingredients is Apple Cider Vinegar.

In our modern world antibiotics have been commonly over-prescribed as a ‘quick fix’ which doesn’t actually remedy the causes of the ailments.

There are also many adverse side effects including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach upsets, thrush, hives and other allergic reactions. Below is what you need to make your Fire Cider Recipe.

Home Remedy Flu this really works, as I make it when my cough gets worse, as I'm a COPD. This is the only one that gives relief from my severe bouts of cough.

Horseradish aids in digestion and has always been a traditional natural remedy for bad sinus infections or congestion type headaches. The recipe calls for lots of Garlic too which was known as Poor Man’s Penicillin in older times. They’re mixed with chopped Onion and fresh Ginger root.

Simply chop up all the ingredients, pour into a glass jar and cover with the Apple Cider Vinegar. You can substitute Cayenne Powder for the Chilli Peppers and adjust to suit your taste so it’s not too hot. This is particularly useful if you have children. Leave in the jar for a few weeks then strain out so you’re left with just the liquid and add honey to taste.

What you need to make Fire Cider Recipe

  • 1/2 cup of fresh grated or chopped GINGER ROOT
  • 1/2 cup fresh grated or chopped HORSERADISH ROOT
  • 1 medium ONION chopped
  • 10 cloves of GARLIC crushed or chopped
  • 2 HOT PEPPERS (cayenne or jalapeno -1/4 tsp if using powdered)
  • RAW HONEY (preferably local and wild flower)

Chop all ingredients and place them in a QUART SIZED GLASS JAR. Fill the jar with apple cider vinegar to just below the very rim of the glass. Cover the top of the jar with WAX PAPER or PARCHMENT PAPER. (This will help to avoid corrosion of the metal lid from the vinegar.) Put the metal LID back on the glass jar. Shake well. Store in a cool, dry place. Shake daily for 4-6 weeks. Then strain and add honey to taste. (Up to a 1/4 cup of honey.)

  • *Use one teaspoon daily or every hour at the onset of symptoms
  • * Use all certified organic ingredients if possible.
  • * This can be made on new moon and strained on full moon to increase its energetic potency.

Fire Cider Master Tonic Cold and Flu Remedy is a very old traditional folk remedy that’s been around for many years.

Fire Cider

 This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement



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