Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Glycemic index and glycemic load: what they mean and which ranking system is useful

People suffering from diabetes probably know they need to monitor their carbohydrate intake. But different carbohydrate-containing foods affect the blood sugar levels differently and these can be quantified by measures known as glycemic index and glycemic load. While most of us are aware of glycemic index, there is not much clarity on the glycemic load.

Read ahead to know the difference between the two and which is a better measure to consider for keeping your blood sugar levels in control. 

Glycemic index

The glycemic index of food indicates how quickly a carbohydrate gets digested and released as glucose into the bloodstream, which can be measured by blood sugar and how rapidly it rises.

The GI index scale is from 0-100 and cooked and processed food feature on the top of the ladder, while high fibre foods fall at the bottom.

People suffering from diabetes are recommended to eat low GI foods. But the limitation of the scale is that it only measures the effect of the carbohydrate on raising blood sugar levels and fails to address a standard serving size of carbohydrates. This makes it an inaccurate measure for the real impact a food item can have on the blood sugar level.

GI can only assess whether food has readily available carbohydrates that can be absorbed quickly. A simple example of this is a carrot which has a GI ranking of 71. As per this number, the vegetable can raise the blood sugar, however, because it has good water and fibre content, the effect of carrot on blood sugar is minimal, hence the low glycemic load ranking of 3.

Thus, if we use GI to choose our foods, we can lose out on many health benefits of various foods. Like carrots have antioxidants, minerals and potent anti-cancer substances - alpha-carotene. 

Glycemic load

Many dietitians and doctors feel that Glycemic Load (GL) is a better scale to know which food will affect blood sugar and sugar reducing hormones. Glycemic load is a measure of the number of carbohydrates in a serving of food, making it a better predictor of what will happen to the blood sugar level. Foods ranked less than 10 are considered as foods with low GL. While those with more than 20 GL are considered foods with high GL.

The limitation of the ranking system is that if you choose to eat foods with a low GI, you won't necessarily end up having a nutrient-rich diet.

Which ranking system should you use?

When used together, both ranking systems represent effective ways to select appropriate foods. More important is the glycemic response, which measures the magnitude and duration of the elevation of blood glucose concentration after eating.

But because all these systems are so technical, it is best to go back to basics like consider eating food as close to its natural form, eating good fats, plant-based protein and healthy carbohydrates. If we follow such a diet, we will naturally fall into the line of low GI and low GL foods - leading to moderate glycemic response.

So, it's best not to focus on numbers but on eating nutrient-dense foods.

Also, you can follow the 80/20 rule - where you eat 80 per cent raw plant-based foods and 20 per cent cooked food. This way you will enhance the bioavailability of the nutrients you consume. Eating this way also leads to a reduction in the body inflammation.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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