Friday, September 04, 2020

How long after getting infected with COVID-19 can a person remain contagious?

Here is the answer!

The global burden of the coronavirus cases is increasing with each passing day. The number of positive cases is touching a new high daily, with no possible measure to slow it down. By far we know that coronavirus is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract. It is spread through tiny droplets from the nose and mouth suspended from an infected person while coughing, sneezing or hand-to-mouth contact. Given the circumstances, the best precautionary measures one can take is to cover their nose and mouth when they are around people, especially in public places. This can reduce the chances of getting infected with the deadly virus by 50 per cent. But the question remains: how long after getting infected with COVID-19 can a person still pass on the virus to others?

What is the incubation time for COVID-19

Incubation time is referred to as the period between getting exposed to the virus by different means and the onset of the symptoms.

As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), coronavirus takes 1 to 14 days to show symptoms like coughing, breathlessness, fever and exhaustion. In most cases, the signs are visible within 4 to 6 days after being exposed to the virus.

How long an infected person can pass on the virus

As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people suffering from COVID-19 are highly contagious when they are showing the symptoms. The first 7 days after the symptoms start to show is a high-risk phase. Besides, some people may even start spreading the virus 1 to 3 days before showing the symptoms. The period varies from person to person and on the severity of the condition. The higher the viral load, the higher is the risk of transmission.

When is the person no longer infected

Recovering from coronavirus can be a time taking process. In mild cases, the recovery time is 1 or 2 weeks. However, in severe cases, it may take up to 3 to 4 weeks to test negative for COVID-19.

As per the CDC, if a person is symptoms free for 3 days, without taking any medicines and they developed the symptoms 10 days prior then they are not considered to be infectious.

What study suggest

However, there are studies that suggest that the virus stays in the body for a long time after recovery.

As per a study carried out in Hong Kong, the strains of the virus can be found in the blood for 20 days after the onset of the symptoms.

Another study carried out in China revealed that coronavirus can be found in the faecal sample of infected people for about five weeks after the first onset.

These two studies indicate that the strain of coronavirus may remain in the body for much longer than expected. But CDC clarified this does not necessarily mean that a person is infectious. This issue still remains unclear and more study is needed to draw out the conclusion.


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