Thursday, March 05, 2020

Obesity and depression have a vicious association: Know how to deal with it

If you're under depression, If you are morbidly overweight, you are obese. This condition can lead to various health complications like heart disease, hypertension and diabetes to name a few. Depression is another condition that can affect health too. This is a mental health condition that can result in a low mood for as long period of time. People suffering from obesity are also at a higher risk of depression and vice versa. Hence, we see that both obesity and depression have a close link.

According to a study at the Leiden University Medical Center and GGZ Rivierduinen, Leiden, the Netherlands, Obesity appears to be associated with an increased risk of depression, and depression also appears associated with an increased risk of developing obesity. Researchers say that both depression and obesity are widely spread problems with major public health implications. Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals, published this study. Another study at University of South Australia says that the psychological impact of being overweight causes depression, rather than illnesses such as diabetes. The International Journal of Epidemiology published this study.

Obesity and depression

There is a close association between depression and obesity. If you are obese, you are more likely to get depression. A study at Rice’s Department of Sociology and Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, even with higher education, women with a body mass index of 30-34.9 have double the risk of depression compared with women of normal weight and same educational attainment. The journal Obesity Research and Clinical Practice published this study.

But, then again, if you are under depression, you are likely to make more unhealthy eating choices. Depressed people are also lethargic and unwilling to do anything extra. This also contributes to weight gain.

Researchers from University of Illinois at Chicago say that an ‘intervention combining behavioral weight loss treatment and problem-solving therapy with as-needed antidepressant medication for participants with co-occurring obesity and depression improved weight loss and depressive symptoms compared with routine physician care’.

What you can do

To avoid the risk of both obesity and depression, you need to make some lifestyle changes. Regular exercise and a healthy eating plan will go a long way in helping you to deal with these twin problems. Also, you must be alert to symptoms of depression so that you can take steps to stop it in its tracks. If it gets too much, get medical help.

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