Friday, December 13, 2019

Treatment Options for Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism, or sometimes called alcohol use disorder, is a serious condition where an individual is incapable of controlling their urge to drink. People suffering from this feel as though they are unable to function in regular everyday society. Professional and personal relationships, jobs, goals, and health are all negatively impacted. Side effects associated with alcohol abuse can lead to major complications and difficulties. It is important for those suffering from alcohol dependence to seek help from medical professionals and substance abuse support groups.

It isn’t always clear when someone is an alcoholic and it can take some time to accept that reality in order to begin the healing process. It is important to lookout for the following warning signs:
  • Feeling a need to continue drinking
  • Change in behavior after drinking
  • Having a strong desire for alcohol when not drinking
  • Prioritizing alcohol over more important responsibilities
  • Investing a large portion of income on alcohol
  • Inability to control alcohol consumption
Drinking too much alcohol can cause serious health problems. It doesn’t matter if the drinking is short or long-term. Life-threatening situations can arise and it is important to be aware of intake. 

Some short-term effects are reduced brain activity, slow reflexes, delayed reaction time, blurry vision and difficulty breathing. Long-term effects are liver disease, brain defects, vision damage, heart problems, bone loss and increases the risk of cancer, which is why treatment via the following ways is necessary:
  • Admitting a problem: The most important step towards treatment is acceptance. One of the hardest challenges for many alcoholics is accepting that they have a critical problem and seeking help with alcoholics anonymous and other programs. Treatment varies from person to person, however the general route is as follows:
  • Detoxification: This is the process of slowly cutting down on alcohol consumption under medical guidance. Withdrawal symptoms are very uncomfortable and doctors can help alleviate any discomfort with proper medication.
  • Alcohol rehab centers: There are two types of rehab, inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient is where an individual lives in a treatment facility for 30-90 days, while an outpatient involves the individual taking part in the program as they go about everyday life.
There are many reasons as to why people turn to drinking. Whatever the reason, there is always the possibility of long-term dependence. People may start off with the best of intentions, but may find themselves in an unfortunate circumstance. Alcohol addiction can be caused by several triggers, for instance:

1. Cope with loss
The death of a loved one, whether they are family or a friend, can hurt someone on a deep level emotionally and physically. The grief may feel unbearable and people turn to alcohol to soothe the pain. Avoiding the natural grieving process can be a factor in alcohol dependence over time.

2. Stress relief
It is easy to want a way of dealing with the stress of everyday life after a hard day and drink a bit of alcohol to unwind. However, it will become more difficult to achieve the same results of pleasure as tolerance builds up and that is when more alcohol is needed to experience the same effects.

3. Anxiety
Nobody wants to worry all the time and alcohol is a way for some to not have to deal with anxiety as it lowers inhibitions. People feel freer to go about their day without overthinking everything and this is a common way of developing dependence to alcohol.

4. Pleasure
Many drinks for the simplicity of feeling good. It is a way for them to be happy and not stress over their problems.

5. Pain and trauma
Drinking may be a way for some to deal with unresolved trauma. Perhaps they did not have anyone at the time to help them cope, thus leading to it getting bottled up inside for so long. Treating the trauma can, by extension, help with alcoholism.

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