Thursday, December 12, 2019

Fatty Liver- causes and symptoms

You’d be surprised the difference a liver cleanse will make to the way you look and feel.  A fatty liver will make you feel lethargic and life is a whole lot harder when you don’t have the energy.
Cleansing your liver will help you burn foods quicker and eliminate the nasties. You will feel better and your liver will love you.

We’ve included Detox Juices for you to try plus lots of helpful information to inspire you to clean yourself up from the inside out. Make the change and love the difference!  

Did you know that perhaps the simplest lifestyle change that you can make to assist with reversing your fatty liver is to drink lemon water? Lemon in warm water works a treat. It’s good for getting things moving in the morning and it’s natural.
Fatty Liver Symptoms 
You will feel immediately more energized and if you can get into the habit of having it throughout the day, you are going to notice the numerous benefits in no time. It is the ultimate body cleanser and it really does you so much good.

Green Tea is also incredibly beneficial for you. If you are serious about getting your liver in shape, drop off the caffeine and make the switch. There are some great herbal tea blends.

30 Foods To Detox Your Liver

Symptoms of a Fatty Liver -:

Fatty liver is a common complaint with the usual age group being in the 40-60 year range. It affects around 20% of Americans and the good news is that it’s a reversible condition.

You may be experiencing fatigue, brain fog or rapid weight loss with no real explanation. Sometimes symptoms are not apparent. If your alcohol consumption is high and you eat a lot of processed and fatty foods, chances are your liver needs an overhaul.

The exhaustion you are feeling is your liver flagging. When it is clean, your body runs like a dream. It is an organ that can have enormous positive effect on so many aspects of our life and body, it is worth the effort to keep it in tip-top condition.

Top Signs You May Be Suffering From Toxicity Build Up              

15 Signs Your Liver is Stressed -:

  • fatigue
  • brain fog
  • headache
  • chronic joint or muscle pain
  • digestion issues including gas, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, and abdominal pain
  • insomnia
  • autoimmune diseases
  • hormonal imbalances like PMS or menopausal symptoms
  • acne or skin rashes
  • anxiety or depression
  • allergies
  • inflammation
  • chemical sensitivities
  • chronic bad breath
  • weight gain

Do you have a Fatty Liver                   

Home Remedies For A Fatty Liver

As mentioned previously, fatty liver is completely reversible. You will need to make dietary changes. Here’s some things that you can do that will have an immediate positive effect on your liver.
Add One tablespoon raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. To sweeten, you can add a little honey. Drink this 2 times daily before your Meals. Follow this remedy for 1-2 months.
Drink 3-4 cups of Green Tea daily to help improve liver functioning and reduce body weight.
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in warm water, drink it several times a day for a month.
Mix 1/4 teaspoon Turmeric Powder in a glass of water and boil. Drink it twice daily for a couple of weeks.
Top 10 Liver Cleansing Foods
Some further dietary changes you should look at making include -:
  • Avoid all types of high fructose corn syrup.
  • Avoid all white flour and instead replace with whole grain products.
  • Eat foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids such as fatty fish, fish oil, flaxseeds, walnuts and Tofu.
  • Eat detoxifying and rejuvenating vegetables like Broccoli, Kale and Cabbage

Dr Axe shares some great tips with us when it comes to cleansing your liver – here’s his suggestions -:
  1. Remove toxic foods from your diet
  2. Drink Raw Vegetable Juice
  3. Load Up on Potassium Rich Foods
  4. Do Coffee Enemas
  5. Take Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Turmeric Supplements
  6. Eat Real Beef Liver or Take Liver Tablets
via Health Relieve 

Apple Cinnamon Detox Water

Slice Fuji apples and place them in a pitcher with a stick of cinnamon. Add ice, then fill with water. Allow to chill in fridge 15 minutes, then enjoy. This drink burns calories and helps you deal with liver stones because apples open the bile ducts due to the malic acid they contain.

Strawberry Spa Water

Hull and slice one pound of strawberries and place in a pitcher with filtered water. Then put the mix in fridge overnight. Enjoy with ice. The strawberries will help with liver breakdown that helps get rid of compounds that cause cancer. Also, the Vitamin C in strawberries will help flush fats from the liver.

Jillian Micheals Detox Water

Brew organic dandelion root tea as directed. Next, let it cool to room temperature and add one tablespoon of cranberry juice and two tablespoons of lemon juice. This drink, mixed with 60 ounces of distilled water, will help your body flush fat and lose weight.

Natural Belly Slimming Detox Water

Add one lemon, one orange, 10 fresh mint leaves, one medium cucumber and two liters of water to a pitcher filled with ice. Allow to cool in fridge. One hour is the minimum, but the longer you can leave it in the fridge to chill, the better the taste will be.

Flat Belly Detox Water

Cube watermelon and freeze it. Then add it to a large jar, add 10 mint leaves and fill with filtered water. For best results, allow to chill for 10 minutes. Then you can drink it. The water will help replace other beverages that are bad for you while providing a way to get rid of toxins and increase your metabolism. Lemon juice also helps with metabolism, so if you need a bigger boost, add lemon juice.

Liver Detox Juice Recipe

  • 2 small beets
  • 1 fennel bulb
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 lime
Instructions: Wash your produce and run through your juicer. This recipe doesn’t blend well, so use a juicer. Consume right away, or store for up to 24 hours. If you want to store this juice for longer, freeze it.
 Fatty Liver Foods

It’s important to know what to eat and what to avoid and Dr Axe has put together this great list. Keeping it natural and avoiding processed and packaged foods is a great place to start. Factory farmed animal products like fish and conventional dairy are other good omissions. Consider looking at Organic fruit and veg that is free of chemical pesticides and herbicides too.

 The above 3 Liver Detox Drinks were found on Curejoy and they are ideal for flushing toxins out of the liver and eliminating belly fat. You can select from Bell Pepper Detox, Green Tea Citrus and also the Golden Liver Flush that includes powerful Turmeric as an ingredient. Be sure to add them to your list.

We can personally vouch for the benefits of a cleansed Liver. In fact, only recently we went on the Liver Cleansing Diet for a second time. The best part is the delicious food. You are never hungry and your shape changes dramatically.
The downside is the scales are slow to move. It’s a gradual weight loss that has more chance of staying off. The more weight you are carrying, the quicker it drops off.
If you want a sustainable plan that is easy to follow, you will love this. The level of your energy massively increases the cleaner your liver becomes. 

this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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