Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Amazing uses of Hydrogen peroxide in your kitchen

We normally think that hydrogen peroxide is used only for medicinal purposes. But, they're used right from cleaning wounds, to disinfecting your fruits and veggies, fridge, dish washer and more. Continue to read below, the various uses, it will sure amaze you.

1. Scour Burnt Pots

Sometimes you have the heat up too high, or you’re using an absolutely ancient pan, and before you know it your cookware is covered in burnt spots. Before you destroy your hands with steel wool or scouring pads, try this DIY remedy.

Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, and apply that to the burnt, dirty areas. Let it marinate for a bit and then use warmish water to scrub it away. The stain should come off pretty easily, but if it doesn’t, simply repeat the process, leaving the paste on a little longer the next time.

2. Detoxify Fruits and Veggies

Just because you didn’t pay extra for organic produce doesn’t mean you have to infest the harmful pesticides generally used on fruits and veggies. Water alone might not do the trick, but this hydrogen peroxide solution sure will.

Spray your produce with some food-grade peroxide, let the mixture sit on the food for a minute or two, and then rinse and dry. Next, spray the produce with some vinegar; combined, the two agents work detoxifying wonders!

3. Kill Household Mold

Not only is mold unsightly and gross, but it can cause so many different health problems, too. Depending on the severity of your mold problem, you may need to call in some specialists.

But if you recognize what you see as your average, run-of-the-mill household mold, you can use some hydrogen peroxide to get rid of it — and treat the area to prevent mold from growing in the future!

4. Make Your Dishwasher More Efficient

Sure, dishwashers are great in theory — when they work! But if you don’t take care of your dishwasher, clean it regularly, and stay up to date on its maintenance, your dishes will come out less than lustrous. Before you run off to buy every product on the planet, give this hydrogen peroxide hack a try.

Add a few drops of peroxide to your regular dishwasher detergent, and your dishes will come out cleaner than ever. It’s that simple.

19. DIY Pesticide 

While we all love the summertime, it’s also the time of year when we remember how annoying some pests can be. Whether it’s mosquitoes attracted to our blood or ants attracted to that juice spill that wasn’t thoroughly cleaned, the little bugs are a nuisance. You can create an all-natural, DIY “pesticide” with just some water and hydrogen peroxide. Add some peroxide to a spray bottle full of water and spray the solution wherever required. It’ll help keep bugs away.

21. Remove Rust

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove rust from hammers or other tools in just minutes. Pour some hydrogen peroxide into a small container and let the rusted metal soak in it for a few minutes, according to tutorial. Then just take some steel wool or a brush and scrub.

Additionally, you can mix borax with hydrogen peroxide to create a handy cleaning solution.

27. Disinfect Dishcloths and Sponges

Kitchen dishrags and sponges might as well be called germ magnets with the amount of dirt and grime these kitchen tools pick up. However, a little hydrogen peroxide can get them clean quick… and maybe even lengthen their respective lifespans.

Simply spray your rags and sponges with hydrogen peroxide while they’re in the sink. This will kill a vast majority of the germs they’re harboring. In addition, cleaning them this way will also allow you to fully wash them less often, meaning they’ll stay together longer.

28. Clean Kids' Toys

Babies and toddlers have a habit of putting, well, everything in their mouths. That’s why many advise wiping down all their toys – as well as play areas and etc. – with hydrogen peroxide regularly.
Added Bonus: It’s safer to use hydrogen peroxide on children’s belongings than store-bought cleaners, as it won’t cause the type of lung irritations that many commercial cleaners will

29. Disinfect Coolers and Lunchboxes

It’s easy to overlook tiny food particles in coolers and lunchboxes since they build up slowly over time. To combat this, simply spray down the inside of the lunchbox/cooler with hydrogen peroxide, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it down with a cloth or paper towel.

We’d also advise keeping household pets out of lunch boxes and coolers, but that’s less hack and more common sense…we’d hope.

42. Sanitize Meat Cutting Boards

Do you have a specific cutting board in the kitchen that is used mostly for meat? If so, cleaning with soap and water is always a necessity, but even that doesn’t always get rid of all the potentially harmful germs borne from meat. If you really want to make sure that cutting board has been disinfected thoroughly, soak it in hydrogen peroxide after washing it with soap and water. This will make sure all those germs are dead and gone before putting the board away in the cabinet.

45. Disinfect Reusable Shopping Bags

You’re doing your part to help reduce your carbon footprint and cut down on disposable items. That’s why you have those handy reusable shopping bags in the car or kitchen for every time you go to the store. But you should be treating them just as you would any other surface that comes in close contact with food. Germs can be left behind and those breed dangerous bacteria. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean the inside of reusable shopping bags to make sure all those pesky germs are taken care of.

46. Disinfect Your Refrigerator

Every once in a while the cleaning bug hits you and you do a deep clean of the household refrigerator. It’s so easy to miss little spills and other food stuffs that might get left behind in there, which can harden and become difficult to clean, but also breed nasty bacteria. While soap and water is the obvious answer, you should also wipe everything down with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and warm water to help kill all the germs the soap might not eradicate.

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