Monday, May 20, 2019

Why Sitting Too Much Is Slowly Killing You and What You Can Do About It

Sitting down could be killing you slowly. If not, it still could be having some serious health implications.

According to a scientific study, the average person spends more than half of his or her waking hours in an inactive sedentary state (watching TV, commuting to and from work, sitting at a computer, etc).

Sitting too Much Could Be as Bad as Smoking

According to another scientific report, sitting too much can be as harmful as secondhand smoking. The researchers suggest that, in the future, too much sitting might be considered in the same way as have other insidious environmental and behavioral health hazards.

The expert says that “it’s likely that future generations will look back at our sedentary working practices with the same incredulity that we now regard the idea of a smoke-filled office or aeroplane.”

Sitting too Much is Linked to Premature Death

The act of sitting may seem relatively harmless. The average person does it for hours at a time every single day. It’s comfortable, it’s convenient, it allows us to focus on our work or watch some TV shows. But scientific studies found that too much sitting is linked to higher chances of untimely death.

Sitting too Much is Linked to Chronic Diseases

In fact, sitting down for prolonged periods of time is linked to chronic back pain, poor posture, and even potentially deadly diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and obesity. One  scientific review concluded that sedentary behavior could be related to premature death.

Think of yourself as an animal, because essentially you are. Before civilization there weren’t comfortable recliners to lounge in, computer chairs to spin around the office, or sofas to fall into and waste a day away.

Nearly 150 years ago, people spent nearly 90% of their day moving around. In contemporary society, we lounge on our butts for approximately 60% of the day.

Health Implications of Too Much Sitting

There are many different reasons too much sitting is bad for you, let’s start with some of the basic and obvious ones.


Hardly a surprise, but many are torn between the “chicken or the egg” concept here. Some claim that more sitting comes as people gain weight and become obese. Let’s consider the root cause of weight gain, however, to put it in perspective: calorie expenditure. When compared to sitting, standing burns about 160 more calories on a daily basis.

There’s no real nutritional or physical science needed here; simply reducing the time spent sitting will reduce the likeliness of weight gain, especially in a society with such available and unhealthy food.
There has also been research at an Energy Metabolism Laboratory that suggests a link between sitting and an increased appetite. Sitting not only decreases your ability to burn calories, it increases your tendency to consume them.

Heart Health

Sitting makes the muscles in your body calm down and become stagnant. After a few hours the level of healthy cholesterol in your body can drop up to 20%. There has been studies linking males that sit for long periods of the week to a higher risk of death by heart disease.

It has also been suggested that sitting for long periods contributes to a poor overall blood circulation. Fat is more likely to accumulate in the bloodstream and blood glucose levels can become dangerously high. Type 2 diabetes has also been connected with excessive sitting.

Physical Development

Got a lot of back pain? Feel sluggish and tight? Sitting down is far from yoga, and it isn’t doing your body any favors. Too much of it over long periods of time might cause future back problems, especially if done with poor posture. It can also cause pain in your sit bone (also called ischial tuberosity) which is located at the bottom of your pelvis and is the bone that you sit on.

Kidney Disease

Sitting for long periods of time has been linked to the development of kidney disease, according to a study.

“While this study confirms the growing body of literature that supports a link between lifestyle factors and the development of chronic kidney disease, it also adds to the evidence that simply sitting less may have important health benefits.” said lead researcher.

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