Saturday, May 04, 2019

Five powerful bedtime drinks to shed belly fat

Losing weight effectively and healthily is a long-term process. It takes regular workout sessions, a healthy diet plan, and some patience. 

Talking of diet, eating and drinking healthy goes a long way in helping you shed unwanted kilos. 

For your reference, here are five powerful bedtime drinks that can help you get rid of belly fat. 

Warm water and lemon juice

Lemon juice mixed in warm water is a popular age-old remedy for healthy weight loss. 
It is known to boost digestion and improve your metabolic rate. 
It is advisable to take some of this mix before bedtime in order to ease digestion (especially after heavy meals). 
Not just that, this drink is also good in cleansing liver by removing toxins and unwanted, stored fats. 

Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice is another amazing drink for boosting the weight loss process.
Rich in water content, while being considerably low on calories, Cucumber juice will keep your body hydrated and will keep you full for long.
Additionally, cucumbers are loaded with dietary fiber, that help speed up metabolism, remove toxins, and fight bloating and water retention in the body. 


Many hold the misconception that milk promotes weight gain. However, studies stand in contrast to this.
Rich in calcium, protein, zinc, Vitamin B and other essential nutrients, milk has been shown to boost weight loss among participants.
Furthermore, milk contains proteins that increase the hunger-fighting hormone. This helps you stay full for long, thus reducing appetite and managing obesity.

Green tea

Loaded with antioxidants while being low on caffeine content, Green tea helps the body become more relaxed. Plus, it is known to boost metabolism, and aid in the process of fat burn.
Also, according to a 2017 Japanese study showed, drinking green tea before sleep can promote better quality sleep.

Chamomile tea
Given its miraculous anti-inflammatory and antidepressant qualities, Chamomile tea is a great pick before bedtime as it can improve your sleep quality, reduce weight, improve mood, and enhance overall health.
Additionally, the antioxidants in this tea will help flush out the toxins from the body, thus reducing body weight and relieving bloating and other digestive issues.

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