Saturday, March 16, 2019

Some Wonderful Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are one fruit which you get throughout the year in most countries of the world. Down in South India, one can get so many different varieties, often I'm at a loss to choose from them. As you get tiny finger long ones to a foot or more longer bananas. Each one tastes different, but the health benefits of all are same.

1)Treats Asthma

According to a research conducted in 2007, bananas can protect children against a cough and many associated symptoms of asthma.

2) Treats Constipation

Bananas contain significant amounts of dietary fiber and therefore help in smooth bowel movements. The roughage soothes the excretion process and relieves a person from constipation. Studies suggest that bananas also help in treating other intestinal disorders.

3) Lower Blood Pressure

One research states that potassium plays a key role in managing healthy blood pressure levels. As bananas are a rich source of potassium, they help to reduce blood pressure. Potassium helps in relieving the tension in arteries and veins, so blood can flow smoothly through the body and oxygenate various organs to increase their function. This can help eliminate atherosclerosis and the subsequent strokes and heart attacks that are so commonly associated with it. The fiber in bananas also scrapes excess cholesterol from the arteries and blood vessels and further reduces stress on the cardiovascular system.

4)Treats Anemia

One research states that bananas contain high iron content and, therefore, they aid in treating anemia since iron is an essential part of red blood cells. Bananas also have a significant content of copper, which is an important element in the creation of red blood cells. By increasing your red blood cell count, not only do you prevent anemia, but you can also increase circulation to all parts of the body, thereby oxygenating them and optimizing their functionality.

5) Weight Loss

Bananas are useful for weight loss as one banana has approximately only 90 calories. They contain a lot of fiber as well and are easy to digest. Furthermore, they do not contain any fats. Therefore, an overweight person does not have to eat too much if their diet contains bananas because they are very filling. The roughage will make one feel satiated for long and inhibits the release of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. This will reduce overeating and also help in weight loss. A 2012 research also suggests that consuming bananas can aid in boosting metabolism, thereby helping in weight loss.

6) Cures Diabetes

A study  has revealed that pectin, in bananas, is said to be a nutrient that aids in improving glucose tolerance in diabetics. A banana provides about 3 grams of dietary fiber, which is beneficial for both type-1 and type-2 diabetics. Type-1 diabetics may have lowered blood glucose levels and type-2 may have improved blood glucose levels.

7) Preserves Memory and Boosts Mood

A 2015 study states that the amino acid tryptophan and antioxidants like dopamine, in bananas, play a vital role in boosting mood and preserving memory. Additionally, magnesium helps relax muscles and vitamin B6 helps you sleep well.

8) Strengthens Bones

The presence of fructooligosaccharide, a prebiotic, is a beneficial bacteria in our digestive tract that boosts the intake of minerals and nutrients by the body. Bananas are also linked to an increased absorption of calcium. Calcium is the most important element in the production and regrowth of bone matter in the body. It reduces our chances of getting affected by osteoporosis and natural weakness.

9) Anti-inflammatory Properties

A collective research suggests that the compounds inside bananas are anti-inflammatory in nature, meaning that they can reduce swelling, inflammation, and irritation from conditions like arthritis and gout.

10) Helps to quit smoking 
Bananas contain B vitamins and other minerals which lessen the effects of nicotine withdrawal both physically and psychologically.
11) For PMS
Bananas contain vitamin B 6, which regulates blood glucose levels, and help us in times of stress and helps to suppress cranky moods.

12) Improves Vision

Bananas, like many other fruits, are packed with antioxidants and carotenoids, as well as a healthy mix of minerals that can seriously boost the health of your eyes. Macular degeneration, cataracts, night blindness, and glaucoma have all been shown to decrease with normal intake of bananas and other similar fruits.

13) Promotes Weight Gain

Bananas can be useful for weight gain. When consumed with milk, bananas help increase a person’s weight rapidly. Milk provides the necessary proteins and bananas provide the sugars. Furthermore, since bananas are easily digested, an underweight person can gulp down 5-6 bananas in a day apart from the regular meals without facing indigestion. This leads to an additional intake of 500-600 calories, which is quite necessary for weight gain. Since bananas have the ability to provide instant energy, sportsmen eat bananas during the breaks in between games for an extra surge of energy.

14) Treats Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Bananas have been used as a natural remedy for piles as the high fiber content makes it easy to pass stools. The laxative effect prevents any kind of strain, thus providing relief and curing hemorrhoids (swollen veins around the anus region).

15) Treats Ulcers

Traditionally, bananas have been used as an antacid food to soothe upset stomachs as they can also suppress acid secretion. A research claims that bananas have anti-ulcerogenic properties. The protease inhibitors in bananas eliminate the harmful bacteria that have been linked to the development of stomach ulcers.

16) Increases Brain Power
Potassium fruits help learning, because it makes the students more alert. Students find that they've more brain power and better in exams when they eat bananas for breakfast and lunch.

17) Prevents Kidney Disorders

A 2005 study suggests that potassium and various antioxidants in bananas help ease the strain on kidneys and encourage urination. This can help keep toxins from accumulating in the body.

18) Migraine:
  Those you get frequent migraine attacks are advised to have no more than half a banana a day.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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