Thursday, March 28, 2019

Hina by: Hina Zahid Exercise decreases inflammation and prevents cartilage damage in osteoarthritis

The researchers have shown for the first time how mechanical forces experienced by cells in joints during exercise prevent cartilage degradation by suppressing the action of inflammatory molecules which cause osteoarthritis.

The study has demonstrated the benefits of exercise on the tissues that form our joints and how this is down to tiny hair-like structures, called primary cilia, found on living cells. 

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease and a leading cause of adult disability. The etiology of OA is not clear, but common risk factors for developing OA include age, joint injury, mechanical and obesity.

Exercise is the most common non-pharmacologic therapy prescribed to patients with osteoarthritis. It can help improve health and fitness without hurting the joints.

During exercise the cartilage in joints such as the hip and knee is squashed. This mechanical distortion is detected by the living cells in the cartilage which then block the action of inflammatory molecules associated with conditions such as arthritis.

The researchers show that this anti-inflammatory effect of physical activity is caused by the activation of a particular protein, called HDAC6, which triggers changes in the proteins that form primary cilia.

Pharmaceutical drugs that blocked HDAC6 activation prevented the anti-inflammatory effects of physical activity, whilst other drug treatments were able to mimic the benefits of exercise.

Changes in length of the primary cilia, which are only a few 1000th of  millimetre, provided a biomarker of the level of inflammation. Cilia got longer during inflammation, but treatments that prevented this elongation successfully prevented inflammation.

One of the researcher said, " We have known for some time that healthy exercises is good for you-- now we know the process through which exercises prevents cartilage degradation."

Prof. and a lead researcher of the study added, " These findings may also explain the anti-inflammatory effects of normal blood flow in arteries which is important for preventing arterial disease such as atherosclerosis and aneurysm".

The researchers hope that these findings will help in the search for treatments for arthritis which affects over 3 million people in the U.K causing stiff and painful joints.

The researchers suggest the results may lead to a whole new therapeutic approach known as mechano-medicine in which drugs simulate the effect of mechanical forces to prevent the damaging effects of inflammation and treat conditions such as arthritis.

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Read more at Speciality Medical Dialogues: Exercise decreases inflammation and prevents cartilage damage in osteoarthritis
Read more at Speciality Medical Dialogues: Exercise decreases inflammation and prevents cartilage damage in osteoarthritis

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