Friday, February 22, 2019

5 ways to boost your memory and keep you awake while studying

Studying for long hours can be a challenging task for many students, especially after a long day of classes. The fact is that you need to study hard if you want to score high grades in school or exams. For most students, the final days and nights are usually where a lot of studying actually gets done. And if you’ve ever been there, you probably know what the hardest bit is - staying awake!

Perhaps, many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam, making it hard to focus and concentrate on their studies. It may be tempting to reach for that Red Bull or espresso when you feel sleepy while studying, but they can lead to a vicious cycle. Why opt for sugary, unhealthy options when there are so many healthier alternatives out there to help combat sleepiness and boost your brain power? Try these tips to take the edge off sleepiness and help you stay awake naturally.

Eat a Healthy diet

Eat a balanced diet, focusing on protein-rich foods like nuts, lean meat, or cheese, that will fuel your body longer and give your brain a boost. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants. Avoid eating sugary, fattening foods that will make you feel sluggish - cookies, potato chips, soda, etc.

Drink water

Make sure that you drink plenty of water, as dehydration can make you feel sleepy and drowsy or sluggish. Avoid alcohol, especially during exams or on days when you’re studying or the day before. Alcohol can cause dehydration and negative effects on the brain.


Try to exercise for 15 to 20 minutes on a break. This will get your blood flowing and wake up all your muscles and release proteins in your brain, improving your memory power. Going for a short walk or jog, or doing some yoga, are an excellent idea to maintain your daily physical activity, boost your mental health, and reduce fatigue. 

Chew gum

It seems to be a good idea to pop a piece of gum, preferably mint gum, in your mouth while studying as it can make it hard to fall asleep. Chewing gum may also increase the blood flow to the brain and increase alertness. As per Psychology Today, chewing gum may be an ideal late-night studying tactic as it makes you much more alert.

Use caffeine wisely

Many people drink coffee to increase alertness and stay awake while studying. But consuming caffeine in excessive amounts may contribute to a number of unwanted side effects such as insomnia, dehydration, headaches, dizziness, anxiety, and rapid or abnormal heart rhythm. Ideally, it’s recommended to consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine a day.

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