Monday, August 15, 2016


Smiling can actually have a positive effect on our body and overall health. If we smile more, we're also likely to end up with less facial wrinkles once we've entered our old age, because smiling actually requires fewer muscles than frowning or other negative facial expressions.

1) when we smile, endorphin are released in the brain, it is good for our health.

2)It has positive effect on our health, as the body is more relaxed, leading to a better immune system.

3) When we smile, others find it difficult to frown and start smiling, it is kind of infectious!

4) Even when our smile is a forced one, endorphin are released in the brain, changing our mood instantly, making us feel better and helps to release our stress us at once.

5) Unlike handshake, hugs or bow, smile is a universal sign of happiness and acceptance.

6) It takes fewer muscles usually to smile, but at times, we may use as many as 53 muscles to smile !

7) Scientists believe that humans are born with the ability to smile, while other expressions are learned, that is why, we see how babies can smile with ease !

8) Smiling is the most easily recognizable expression even from a distance of 300 feet away, and helps to break barriers between people.

9) According to many people, smiling woman seems more attractive than one with make-up!

10) There are different types of smiles- polite and sincere, in which the latter uses more facial muscles.

this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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