Sunday, August 14, 2016


Lung Cancer This deadly cancer is common in both women and men and leads to the formation of growths in the lungs, ultimately destroying them. The most common cause of this cancer is first and second-hand smoking of tobacco products.
Shortness of breath
Do you feel like you’re out of breath more often, even when you’re resting, or that you’re constantly wheezing? It may indicate lung cancer. If the shortness of breath is a result of an airway infection that doesn’t respond to medication, it can also serve as a warning sign.

Chronic cough or bloody cough
Coughing on its own is a common thing, especially during and after a cold or the flu. If your coughing continues for 3 weeks or longer, or gets worse, it should serve as a warning sign. Even if you’re in good health, but the cough persists, it may indicate lung cancer. If you cough blood, even in small amounts, consult your physician immediately.

Other symptoms:

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