Friday, August 12, 2016

Natural Remedies to Relieve Food Poisoning

All of us have suffered from food poisoning at some point in our life. You may have had those mouthwatering snack from the roadside stall, only to get a severe stomach ache and diarrhea a couple of days later. Chances are - it's food poisoning you're suffering from.
With symptoms ranging from mild to severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness and dehydration, food poisoning is a condition not to be ignored. A few effective home remedies to cure food poisoning, right from your own kitchen!
 1. Ginger
It not only adds flavor to your dishes, but it is also an excellent home remedy for curing almost all types of digestive problems. Take a tablespoon of honey with a few drops of ginger juice to reduce inflammation and pain Or mix ginger powder with jaggery/gur.
 2. Cumin: Cumin or jeera seeds are a good way to soothe the inflammation in your stomach, reduce the tenderness and aid healing. Crush a tablespoon of cumin seeds and add it to your clear soup. You can also boil water and add cumin to it and keep drinking that water.
3. Basil  Basil is another excellent home remedy, curing infections of both the stomach and the throat. Strain the juice of a few basil leaves and add it to a tablespoon of honey. It's bound to show positive results within a couple of hours. 
4. Bananas Bananas are a rich source of potassium. They aid recovery and reduce the effects of food poisoning to a great level. Mash a couple of bananas and an apple, or whip up a quick banana shake with yogurt.
5. Apples Apples are one of nature's best natural remedies, and they are very effective against food poisoning as they reduce heartburn and acid reflux. Apples are known to have enzymes that inhibit the growth of the bacteria that cause diarrhea and stomachache. 
6. Lemon The acidity of lemon juice kills most of the bacteria that causes food poisoning. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add a pinch of sugar to it. Drink it as you would any medicine, or add lemon to your tea. 

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