Sunday, August 14, 2016


Throat Cancer Growths on the vocal chords and the lining of the throat are symptomatic of throat cancer, and can spread to the esophagus, neck, and lymph nodes. Changing to a healthy lifestyle, as well as quitting cigarettes and alcohol can drastically reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.
Lumps or swelling in the neck that last more than three weeks
Any inflammation or lumps you notice that last more than three weeks can be a symptom of throat cancer. Whether the swelling/lumps are painful or not, or whether they’re big or small, you will want to contact your physician.

Pain in the esophagus and trouble swallowing
When we swallow our food, it goes through our esophagus on its way to the stomach. If you are having difficulties swallowing your food, or feel pain while doing so, or feel that the food has gotten stuck in the esophagus and won't go on - you should immediately check the issue with your doctor. 

Other symptoms:

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