Monday, September 30, 2024

Cell therapy to treat melanoma

There's exciting news for people battling aggressive melanoma. The FDA just approved a groundbreaking treatment called Amtagvi, the first of its kind. This therapy uses a patient's own immune cells, called T cells, to fight the cancer. 
Think of it like this: doctors take T cells from the tumor itself, multiply them in a lab, and then put them back into the patient. These supercharged T cells are better equipped to attack the melanoma. 
 Groundbreaking Discoveries of 2024
While it's not a cure-all, early results are promising. Studies show Amtagvi helped shrink tumors in over half of the patients, and some even saw their melanoma disappear completely. Experts believe this is just the beginning for TIL therapy, which could revolutionize cancer treatment in the future.

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