1. Acanthosis Nigricans - Dark, Velvety, Tanned Skin
Have you ever noticed a tan or brown mark
on your skin that just won't budge, no matter how much you scrub it?
This frustrating condition is a common occurrence among people with
diabetes, known as acanthosis nigricans (pronounced: ah-kan-THO-sis
NY-gruh-kans). The condition causes the skin to thicken and darken,
exhibiting a velvety texture that may lead to itchiness and an
unpleasant smell. Acanthosis nigricans commonly appears on the back of
the neck, groin, elbows, knees, knuckles, and armpits. People who are
overweight or obese are more likely to develop acanthosis nigricans,
making weight loss an effective treatment method. Recognizing this
warning sign can help you take action and prevent further complications
associated with diabetes.
2. Digital sclerosis -
Hard, thickening skin
One of the lesser-known complications of diabetes is digital sclerosis,
which initially presents as taut, thick, and wax-like skin on the
fingers, leading to stiffness in the finger joints. When blood sugar
levels remain uncontrolled, digital sclerosis can cause the skin to
thicken, harden, and become swollen. This can spread to various parts of
the body, including the upper back, arms, and shoulders. In some rare
cases, thickened skin patches may appear over the knees, ankles, or
elbows, making it challenging to move these joints. The texture of the
thickened skin often resembles that of an orange peel.
Unfortunately, approximately one third of people with type 1 diabetes
are affected by this condition, according to the American Diabetes
Association. However, the good news is that by keeping blood sugar
levels under control, people with diabetes can reduce their risk of
developing complications associated with digital sclerosis and improve
their overall health.
3. Diabetic dermopathy -
Shin Spots
While many people may dismiss them as harmless age spots, those
roundish, rough patches that commonly appear on the front of your legs,
or shins, could actually be a sign of diabetes-related skin damage.
These patches, known as dermopathy, are caused by high blood sugar
levels that damage small blood vessels and result in brownish patches on
the skin. Although they may not induce any pain, scratching, or exposed
lesions, it's important to acknowledge them as a possible indication of
In rare cases, dermopathy can appear in other areas of the body, such as
the arms, thighs, and trunk. While the condition is typically harmless
and fades away on its own within 18 months, it can also persist for a
long time. Therefore, individuals who experience dermopathy should seek
medical attention to manage their diabetes and prevent further
4. Bullosis diabeticorum –
Although not a common symptom, diabetes can sometimes cause unexpected
blistering on the skin. These blisters may vary in size, from one large
blister to several smaller ones, and tend to appear on the hands, feet,
legs, or forearms. The appearance of these blisters can be alarming as
they resemble blisters that form after a severe burn. However, despite
their appearance, they are typically painless and will heal on their own
within approximately three weeks.
Maintaining healthy blood glucose levels is the only way to manage this
skin problem associated with diabetes.
5. Necrobiosis Lipoidica- Yellow, reddish, or brown patches on the skin
Another lesser-known skin condition
associated with diabetes is a red, raised area that appears similar to
dermopathy but is larger, deeper, and spaced apart. Initially, it may
seem dull and unremarkable, but as the condition progresses, it can
become itchy, and painful, and develop into a shiny scar with visible
blood vessels. This condition is quite rare, with only 1 in 300 diabetes
patients experiencing it. Moreover, it is challenging to treat, and
conventional treatments such as prescription medications, injections, or
lotions may not always be effective.
The condition may also manifest in cycles, with active periods, followed
by inactive ones, only to become active again. It can be difficult to
manage due to this pattern, and patients may need to try several
different treatment options before finding the one that is most
effective. Furthermore, as with many skin conditions, early detection is
crucial, and anyone experiencing unusual changes in their skin should
seek medical advice promptly.
6. Eruptive Xanthomatosis - Outbreak of small, reddish-yellow bumps
Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to a
condition known as eruptive xanthomatosis. This condition is
characterized by pea-like, yellow skin growths surrounded by a red halo,
which can be itchy. These bumps tend to appear on the hands, feet,
arms, and buttocks, and while they may be tender, they are not
Eruptive xanthomatosis typically affects young men with high cholesterol
and triglyceride levels. In addition to managing blood glucose levels,
doctors may recommend reducing cholesterol and triglycerides through
medication to manage this condition.
7. Bacterial infections
While bacterial skin infections can affect anyone, diabetics are at a
greater risk due to high blood sugar levels that can lead to dry skin
and a weakened immune system. Patients with diabetes often experience
specific bacterial skin problems such as sties (red, painful lump near
the edge of the eyelid that may look like a boil or pimple), nail
infections, and deep carbuncles in the skin and surrounding tissue.
These infections can result in redness, swelling, and painful sensations
in the affected area. Seek medical attention if you experience any
discomfort, itching, or inflammation on your skin, especially if you
have high blood sugar or diabetes. Treatment usually involves antibiotic
creams or pills, which can help manage and clear up these skin
8. Fungal infections
Diabetic patients are at an increased risk
of developing fungal infections, specifically Candida albicans. This
fungus, which resembles yeast, can result in a red and irritating rash
often accompanied by small blisters and scales. Typically, the rash
occurs in damp and warm regions of the body such as beneath the breasts,
between the toes, around the fingernails, or in the armpits. Other
common fungal infections among diabetics include jock itch, athlete’s
foot, ringworm, and vaginal yeast infections. It is recommended that you
consult with your physician to determine the most effective medication
for eliminating fungal skin issues.
9. Dry, itchy skin
It's not uncommon to experience dry and
itchy skin, even if you're not living with diabetes. In many cases,
inadequate blood flow, which is prevalent among diabetes patients, can
be attributed to the underlying cause of this condition. If you find
that your lower legs are particularly itchy, it could be due to
inadequate blood flow. To alleviate this discomfort, you may want to
reduce the frequency of your showers and use gentle soap when you do
bathe. Additionally, applying moisturizing lotion to your skin can be
helpful, but be sure to avoid putting it between your toes.
10. Peripheral Neuropathy - Damage to the nerves
Diabetes can result in a type of nerve
damage known as neuropathy, a common complication that involves damage
to the nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord. This can
lead to a lack of sensation in the feet, making it difficult to detect
injuries or blisters. In some cases, a foot ulcer may develop and become
infected, posing a serious health risk. It's worth noting that while
diabetes is a primary cause of neuropathy, there are other factors to
consider, such as chemotherapy, autoimmune diseases, toxins, infections,
and nutritional deficiencies. Make it a habit to examine your feet
daily to ensure that they are not injured in any way.
This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.
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