10 Supplements for Menopausal Women
The annoying side effects of menopause,
including an increased risk of certain diseases, are all down to
hormonal shifts. When estrogen drops, the risk for osteoporosis and
heart disease increases – as does the tendency to suffer from symptoms
such as mood changes, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness.
To combat these ailments, supplements and
vitamins can be taken, but the process of deciding which ones to take
can be overwhelming. Jacqui Justice, a clinical nutritionist at the NY
Health & Wellness Center, says that “when it comes to supplements
for menopause, there isn’t just one pill. It’s a process. It’s a complex
You need to keep in mind that supplements are not regulated or evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration, but you’ll often get a
better-quality supplement with fewer fillers and more of the key
ingredients when you purchase them through a certified practitioner.
Here are three important categories of
menopausal supplements to consider:
Build a Foundation
Before you decide to start popping a bunch of supplements, it’s very
important to make sure your body is primed to process them. This means a
healthy gut, a well-working liver, and balanced adrenal glands. You can
take as many supplements and vitamins as you like, but they won’t have a
positive effect if your gut and liver aren’t functioning properly.
You can ensure a healthy gut by taking a probiotic. Your gut bacteria
can be affected by stress, a poor diet, antibiotics, and hormonal
fluctuations due to menopause. This imbalance not only prevents your
body from absorbing supplements properly, but it can also lead to
symptoms such as gas and bloating, digestive issues, belly fat, and
constipation. Probiotics can help improve your bowel function, assist
with weight loss, and stabilize your hormones. You should aim for
supplements that have at least 10 billion CFUs and at least five
different strains of bacteria.
Milk Thistle

Next up is your liver. The liver synthesizes hormones and tells them
where to go in the body. Therefore, if it’s not doing its job properly,
you’re going to have a hormonal buildup. One great detoxifying
ingredient is milk thistle. This helps to eliminate toxins and nourish
the organ.
You also need to think about your adrenal glands. These glands sit above
the kidneys and pump out estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. However,
when they’re fatigued, like they may be when you’re depressed, anxious,
stressed or angry, your body decides that it’s more important to make
cortisol instead of sex hormones. Ashwagandha, a herb designed to help
with adrenal fatigue, hormone balancing, and improving a range of
menopausal symptoms, is the fix here.
Get the Basics
If you’re a woman over the age of 50, then you need to be proactive
regarding which vitamin and mineral supplements you should take.
This is vital for bone health and is very important during menopause
when the decrease in estrogen makes women more prone to osteoporosis.
While the best source of calcium is food, if you’re not meeting your
daily quota of 1,000 to 1,200 mg through your diet, calcium supplements
are a wise choice.
Vitamin D
Not only is vitamin D great for bone health, but it’s also helps to
decrease the risk of heart attacks, strokes, asthma, allergies, high
blood pressure and breast cancer. It’s difficult to get vitamin D from
foods and the sun, and since 75% of people are deficient in Vitamin D,
it’s often advised to take vitamin D supplements. The daily recommended
intake of 600 IUs is debatable since studies show that higher amounts of
vitamin D are necessary for disease prevention.
The best way you can get all the necessary antioxidants, minerals, and
vitamins is through a well-balanced diet. However, the problem is the
average diet leaves holes in your daily nutritional requirements, which
means you’re missing on vital elements that your body needs to function
Omega-3s in Fish Oil

The omega-3s that are found in fish oil have an effective and potent
natural anti-inflammatory effect that’s key during menopause. To add to
this, it also helps to preserve brain function and protect against
Alzheimer’s, dementia, and cognitive delay. It’s recommended that we eat
at least two servings of oily fish a week, but supplements are still
required to get the aforementioned health benefits. Menopausal women
should consider taking a fish oil supplement with 1,000 to 2,000
milligrams of EPA and DHA daily.
Improve Your Symptoms
If you’re still suffering from the symptoms of menopause, you might want
to try one of the following supplements, which will help lessen or
alleviate everything from mood swings to hot flashes, and protect
against cardiovascular and mental declines.
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh has been found to decrease hot flashes, sweating,
depression, and insomnia. Black cohosh is commonly available in capsule
form, as a tincture, and dried as a tea. The recommended dose ranges
from 20-80mg per day, and should be taken under a doctor’s care in order
to avoid drug interactions.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can provide you with
anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antidepressant, and antioxidative
benefits. It has been found to have very few side effects, but it can
also be tricky for the body to absorb. When deciding which curcumin
supplements to take, be sure to choose one with black pepper extract or
piperine, as these have been shown to aid in absorption.
Coenzyme Q (10)
This antioxidant helps convert food into energy and is needed for basic
cell functioning. While it is made within the body, production decreases
rapidly with age. Studies have also suggested that COQ10 may lessen
cognitive decline in postmenopausal women and can be important for women
taking hormone replacement therapy, blood pressure or thyroid
medication – all of which can deplete COQ10 levels further.