Sunday, January 23, 2022

What is Splinting and does it work against constipation associated complications?

What is Splinting and does it work against constipation associated complications?

Constipation is a condition in which one has less than three bowel movements per week as the stools become dry and get difficult to pass. Constipation, if treated early can avoid the complications that can arise when the condition gets chronic. While early treatments include dietary changes like eating fibers and drinking more water, many times the condition is beyond the scope of being treated through a preliminary method.

When is Constipation a problem?

Constipation should be considered a problem from the very beginning albeit it is manageable then. The moment you develop the need to strain before passing the stool, remember your constipation has already advanced. Prolonged straining can cause swelling in veins in and around the anus causing hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Hardened stools, if not passed regularly can get stuck in the intestines causing fecal impaction and with time it can also cause the rectum to stretch out and protrude from the anus, which is known as rectal prolapse.

When do you know you are constipated?

While the first clue is the feeling that you have not fully emptied the bowels, the other hints are dry and hard stool, and painful bowel movement. In some cases, bad breath is also a sign of constipation.

What causes Constipation?

While many associate constipation with poor diet habits, it is usually not the case for everyone. Constipation is also caused due to many underlying medical complications like blockages in the colon or rectum, neurological problems around the colon and rectum, difficulty with the pelvic muscles required for bowel movement, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and pregnancy.

Women and constipation

The occurrence of constipation in women is mostly due to a condition called vaginal prolapse, where the walls of the vagina drop toward the vaginal opening. This causes another condition called rectocele where there is a bulging of the front wall of the rectum into the back wall of the vagina. This usually happens after childbirth. But in many cases rectocele is also caused due to chronic straining. Presence of rectocele prohibits smooth passage of the faecal matter and thus causes constipation.

How to cure Constipation?

Since this is a condition where there is difficulty in passing the stool, therefore methods that can aid smooth movement of bowel are essentially useful. Apart from keeping an eye on the amount of roughage one takes in food, one should also maintain a clock for bowel movement. Physical activities have also proven beneficial to alleviate constipation.

Along with all these, one can also try splinting.

What is splinting?

Splinting or perianal pressure is a way to help stool move out of the anal canal. It involves putting pressure on the wall between the vagina and rectum, or the perineum to evacuate stool. As per Michigan Health website, up to 30% of women use this technique to occasionally help with bowel movements.

How is it done?

When you feel the need to strain to pass out stool, you can try splinting. Lubricate your finger and insert it into your vagina and push the anus wall. This would help push the stool out from your anal canal.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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