Tuesday, November 09, 2021

How to control Diabetes: Here’s what a Stanford-trained MD eats in a day for blood sugar balance

Every person is gifted with a body and constitution that is unique. The strengths, the weaknesses, the allergies, the problems, all form a complex set, a unique combination.

Therefore, what works for Jane may not work for Mary and what hurts Arun may actually suit Varun quite well.

At the end of the day, it's up to you to find what works for your body, writes Jamie Schneider in MindBodyGreen.com.

This Associate Editor of the health website brings us inspiration from experts' menus. And who does he pick this time? Stanford-trained physician and co-founder of Levels Casey Means, MD.

With any meal, I'm thinking about what components I want to get into my body for optimal cellular health," says Casey Means, on the mindbodygreen podcast. "I think more in a modular sort of way when building a meal and less about the exact dish," Casey tells mindbodygreen founder and CEO Jason Wachob about how healthy fats, fibre, protein, and tons of micronutrients from colourful, nourishing plants make it into every recipe. And that when you ask her to rattle off a few favourites, this would be her list on any given day:


  1. Switch from sweet to savoury breakfast – this is the best life hack for balancing blood sugar (especially if your sweet breakfasts typically include lots of refined carbs and sugar).
  2. She likes a free-range egg scramble with avocado and some sautéed greens.
  3. She welcomes some smoked salmon with eggs and some greens.
  4. She also loves a tofu scramble with some nutritional yeast and a bunch of veggies, maybe even some beans.
  5. Savoury, lower-carbohydrate, less sweet (dish) is her style.
  6. Never shy away from a filet of salmon and some greens incorporated with a traditional "breakfast".
  7. A nourishing breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and especially when it comes to metabolic health—so make sure your dish sets you up for a healthy, balanced morning.


  1. Dr Casey Means advises that we should "Identify the culprits in terms of glucose spikes, and then just either take them out or swap them”.
  2. A sandwich might have vegetables, hummus, and protein in there.
  3. But then the bread or the wrap essentially thrives the glucose spike, Dr Casey points out.
  4. As a remedy, she swaps the bread or wraps for a grain-free alternative, like ones with cassava flour.
  5. Add to it some collard greens, or butter or iceberg lettuce.
  6. For the wraps, she prefers shaved jicama or nori sheets to cut out the glucose-spiking carbs.


  1. Switch completely to cauliflower rice sushi, entirely cooked at home, easy, and super delicious.
  2. This offers her zero glucose spike, as opposed to the 80-point spike she typically sees with white rice sushi.
  3. You could also opt for quinoa sushi—one of the healthiest carbohydrates for blood sugar.
  4. Quinoa has a high protein and fibre content.
  5. Or you can have a veggie-packed poke bowl.


  1. Nothing beats a chocolate chia pudding.
  2. Chia is an amazing superfood that has fibre and protein – loads of it in just 2 tablespoons
  3. Customise it with nut butter, berries, what have you.
  4. Add some berries and coconut in a coconut-cocoa chia pudding.

Dr Means tells MindBodyGreen that she changes her recipes from day to day, but they are always the ones that incorporate the blood-sugar-balancing basics: fibre, protein, and healthy fats. Give the above dishes your own twist. These are all things that the Stanford-educated MD says she knows do not spike her blood sugar despite being tasty.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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