Saturday, October 23, 2021

How long are you contagious when you have the flu?

What's the contagion period for a flu-like infection?

Flu and viral ailments are steeply rising during the COVID-19 timelines. While on one hand, we are awaiting a possible third wave of COVID-19, flu cases have been skyrocketing across India and the world in a way which hasn't been witnessed before.

What's also so unlikely about the flu infections seen right now is the intensity, and the duration of the infection. Flu symptoms, which were considered to be mild and bearable, unlike that of COVID-19 are tending to linger on for longer, and just as transmissible too. Without proper knowledge or testing, flu can also be easily passed onto others right now.

So, when are you the most contagious, when you have the flu?

How long does the flu last? Are there similarities with COVID-19?

The flu is a respiratory infection spread by the influenza virus. While a COVID-19 infection is considered to be one of the longer lasting infections (with a prolonged isolation time as well), a flu infection can last for up to a week's time. Even with the flu, just like COVID-19, there can be some post-viral symptoms, which can linger on and make one feel like they are going through a long case of flu-like symptoms.

What we need to remember is that even as flu is a very different illness than COVID-19, both are respiratory infections which also present very different symptoms, and hence, at a time when we are already facing considerable threats from the pandemic, differentiating between the two infections could be daunting.

Having said that, there can be quite a few notable differences. 

What's making flu cases linger for long? What's the contagion period?

With the current strain of flu infections, one of the reasons why the symptoms can last for longer is the deficient exposure risk. While flu infections were milder last year, we were also taking proper hygiene measures. Now, not only has our exposure to the flu virus become low, the incubation period of the virus is also something we must consider, which refers to the time between contracting the virus and symptoms developing. For the flu, a typical incubation period can be 2 days, but it can remain for upto 4 days as well.

Since, with the flu, there's a risk of spreading the infection more prevalent than COVID (as right now we are more cautious about COVID right now, and may dismiss off flu symptoms to a routine cold), it can be highly risky and easier to spread the infection to others. Experts also say that when a person has the flu, they are the most contagious in the first 3-4 days, when there's a higher likelihood of experiencing symptoms like coughing and sneezing, which could release respiratory droplets. The risk of contagion, like with COVID can also be high a day before you start to experience symptoms.

Which is more infectious: COVID or the flu?

Given that COVID and flu are similar infections which present common symptoms (including a fever, cough and sometimes, cold), which spread from one person to another in similar manners, i.e. through release of respiratory droplets in the air, touching contaminated surfaces, it's considered that both the viral infections can just be equally infectious. However, COVID-19 right now, is a more dangerous threat right now since it has a higher transmission rate, and can spread on to other people even in the presymptomatic phase. While the flu can spread, the risk is a little lower, and much less likely to affect someone right now, who has had the flu vaccine.

Should you wear masks and stay at home?

Even with the flu, since there runs the risk of respiratory droplets and symptoms spreading, it's always advisable to stay at home till the time your symptoms start to settle down (5-7 days after contracting the virus). A fever's reduction, without medicines, can be taken as a sign that you are fit to be around other people.

Having said that, while a flu requires ample rest and recovery, masks can be used by an individual to limit the spread of respiratory droplets to people around you, who may be at risk. Even if it's less concerning than COVID-19, and may not have the same set of particular protocols (like quarantine and self-isolation), following basic measures will help you recover faster, and safeguard the ones around you. 

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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