Tuesday, May 25, 2021

5 Excellent Pelvic Floor Exercises

With age and after childbirth, you may notice that your pelvic floor muscles have weakened. Although they are hidden from view, you shouldn't underestimate their importance - the pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowels, and uterus. They also play an important role in sexual function. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles improves bladder and bowel control and reduces the likelihood of incontinence. Like other muscles in your body, the pelvic floor muscles will become stronger with a regular exercise program. 
The most well-known way to do so is through kegel exercises, which you can learn more about here. Today, we’ll introduce you to 5 additional pelvic floor exercises that are also beneficial for other muscles. All the exercises are safe for pregnant women unless stated otherwise. 
1. Upper body twist 
Let’s start with an easy exercise that activates your spine, posture, and pelvic floor muscles.
Sit up straight, with your legs stretched in front of you, shoulder-width apart, and toes towards the ceiling. 
Place your hands behind your head with your thumbs underneath your ears. Make sure that your elbows are creating a straight line. 
Sit up as tall as you can and rotate your upper body to the right without moving your feet or arching your back. 
Rotate back to the center, and to the left. 
Repeat for about a minute.

2. Single Leg Lift 
The following exercises are all done while lying down. The first of the three will help you strengthen both of your legs and the pelvic floor.

Lie on the back and bend the knees, with the feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Keep the arms by the sides with the palms facing down. 
Lift your right leg to tabletop position (knee in line with the hip, shin parallel to the floor). Make sure that your pelvis stays on the ground. 
Lengthen your leg forward so that it’s 45 degrees off the ground. Bend your leg back, and go back to the starting position. 
Repeat with the left leg. Continue the exercise for about a minute. 
3. Straight Leg Bridge 
This is an extended version of the glute bridge exercise, which is great for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, too.

Lie on the back and bend the knees, with the feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Keep the arms by the sides with the palms facing down. 
Contract the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles, and lift the buttocks several inches off the ground. 
Slowly raise and extend one leg while keeping your pelvis raised and leveled. 
In this position, continue lifting and dropping your buttocks 8 times. 
Relax the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles and lower the buttocks to the ground.

4. Spread Knees  
The third and final lying-down exercise is excellent for your abdominal muscles, legs, and hips, as well as your pelvic floor.

Lie on the back and bend the knees, with the feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Keep the arms by the sides with the palms facing down. 
Lift your legs to a tabletop position. Inhale, and slowly spread your knees to the sides. 
Exhale as you bring your knees back together. 
Repeat 10-15 times in three sets. 
5. Lunges  
 תרגילים לרצפת האגן: בחורה מבצעת תנוחת לאנג'
This is a great exercise to finish your workout, as it is quite easy on the body and safe for pregnant women, too.

Start by standing up tall. 
Place your hands on your waist and look forward. 
Step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle. 
Stay in this position for about 5 seconds.
Lift your front lunging leg to return to the starting position. 
Repeat 10 to 12 reps on one leg, or switch sides until you've totaled 10 to 12 reps on each side.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

https://gscrochetdesigns.blogspot.com. one can see my crochet creations  
https://gseasyrecipes.blogspot.com. feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes    
https://kneereplacement-stickclub.blogspot.com. for info on knee replacement

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