Tuesday, November 10, 2020

5 must-have carbs for weight loss

 5 must-have carbs for weight loss

When we decide to lose weight the first thing we do is eliminate carbs from our diet. Carbs have gained a bad reputation, especially when it comes to weight loss.

But all these claims are not true. Some high-carbs foods are actually good for your weight loss. You need these carbs to power your brain, fuel your workouts and get that healthy fibre for smooth digestion.

So, if you are trying to shed kilos, here are five carbs-rich foods that you must include in your weight loss diet. 

Whole wheat bread

Do you miss your morning toast? Not anymore. A big research analysis of 12 studies revealed that the more whole grains people ate, including whole wheat bread, the lower BMI they had.

Especially while following the Mediterranean diet, eating whole wheat bread can help promote weight loss and lower belly fat.

To make your bread even more healthy, you can add loads of veggies alongside it.

Brown rice

Who said you need to give up rice completely in order to lose weight? You can choose brown rice over white rice while trying to slim down.

A study of 430 Japanese people found that consuming white rice leads to weight gain while eating brown rice had the opposite effect.

People who ate white rice for a year gained a substantial amount of weight. While people who ate brown rice (no matter the quantity) had no such risk. Brown rice is full of fibre, which makes it a perfect choice for weight watchers.


Instead of eating that sugary cereal, go for some good old-fashioned oats. Oats are whole grain. And the best part about oats is you can make them sweet or salty as per your choice.

Try sticking to the vegetable oats (salty one), as added sugar is not good for weight loss.


We all have heard the saying, "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Apples are super hydrating and a healthy source of carbs. Apple has 86 per cent water, which helps keep you hydrated and boosts your metabolism.

It also has prebiotic qualities, which is a treat to your gut.

Sweet potato

Commonly called as Shakarkand, sweet potato can be a part of your healthy weight loss diet. It is lower in calories, carbs and high in fibre as compared to their white potato counterparts.

They are also high in micronutrients, including potassium that you surely need for successful weight loss results.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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