Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Air pollution: 3 vitamins you should have for better lung health

Include these foods in your diet

Drop in the temperature is often marked with a rise in the levels of air pollution. The small dust particles and pollen grains that enter our respiratory system lead to irritation and several other lung-related concerns. But luckily some vitamins can boost your lung health and prevent cell damages. Increasing the intake of these vitamins in winter can prevent problems like breathlessness and irritation. Here are three vitamins you must have in winter for better lung health.  

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, the fat-soluble nutrient is the second most important nutrient needed for better lung health. This nutrient is important for boosting the immunity, which helps in regenerating cells in the body. So by increasing vitamin A intake, you can initiate the natural repair process of lung tissue. In addition to the importance of this vitamin for the lung function, it is also responsible for the development of many tissues and cells as well as for the embryonic lung development. The good part is that you do not require to eat Vitamin A in excess. Being a fat-soluble vitamin, this nutrient is saved in the body for a long time and is required in small quantities. Prolonged overdosing on vitamin A can even lead to liver and bone issues. Dairy products, fish, fortified cereals, carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe, and squash are some common sources of Vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps our body in different ways and preventing your lungs from chronic diseases is one of them. Sufficient intake of this vitamin, in a day, can boost your immune health and promote collagen formation in the skin. Presence of free radicals and toxins in the lungs due to smoking and pollution can lead to inflammation in the body. Vitamin C, which is mainly present in citric fruits, fights back against free radicals and toxins and also helps your body get rid of these potentially damaging molecules. It further lowers down the lung tissue damage rates, providing an opportunity to the body to repair itself. As per a 2014 study, published in the journal Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, vitamin C may improve lung function and cut the incidence of respiratory symptoms by half during and after exercise. The major potential benefits of this nutrient are due to its antioxidant content. Have citrus fruits, chilli peppers, guava, kiwi, broccoli, kale and berries to get more of this nutrient.

Vitamin D

Apart from strengthening your teeth and bones, vitamin D also protects you against respiratory infection and may reduce the risk of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) flare-ups. As per a study, low levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of wheezing, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory problems. Increasing the intake of this nutrient can improve lung functions. It is not difficult to get an adequate amount of this nutrient as Sunlight is the major source of vitamin D. Some other foods like tuna, salmon, sardines, oysters and egg yolks are also naturally high in vitamin D.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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