Reverse dieting is one of the latest diet trends. It is an eating plan that is typically used by bodybuilders or boxers.
is not much research on the eating method and how effective it is to
lose weight. But there are people who claim that it's a great way to
boost energy levels, increase metabolism and lose weight.
Here are all the details about reverse dieting.
What is reverse dieting?
In simple words, reverse dieting
is referred to as a diet after a diet. Pro athletes first go on a highly
restrictive diet for months to reach their competitions goals. Then, to
avoid rapid weight gain post the competition and ease the restrictive
plan, they go on a restrictive diet, which means gradually increasing
the number of their calories as they ease into their regular diet.
idea behind the diet is to counter what's called a "famine metabolism" -
when your metabolism slows down because your body is getting a small
number of calories from the diet.
When you are on a restrictive
diet plan for a long time, your body starts conserving energy and your
resting metabolic rate slows down.
Increasing your calorie intake
as recommended in reverse dieting, gives your body the boost it needs
to start burning more calories again. If it works in this manner, then
you can return to your old calorie intake without gaining back the lost
Can you lose weight on reverse dieting?
The theory behind the diet is to be able to maintain the weight loss that one has already achieved.
Benefits of reverse dieting
Apart from boosting your metabolism, you may
also experience an increase in energy. If you have been on a
restrictive calorie diet you know you can feel drained, like you just
want to sleep all day.
Who should try reverse dieting?
Reverse dieting is recommended for bodybuilders, boxers and professional athletes.
and athletes are on a very restrictive diet before competition, which
gets them those super chiseled abs. But the drawback of these diets that
it slows down their metabolism.
During the off season, these
people put on as much muscles as they can as this is something not
possible on a low calorie diet. At this time they eat generous amount
which boosts their metabolism without makng them gain any fat.
is also recommended that people suffering from depression, anxiety,
kidney issues or a history of an eating disorder should steer clear of
this eating method.
How to do reverse dieting?
If you are not a bodybuilder or athlete
and want to give reverse dieting a try, you do not need to increase all
your calories with no direction. It's recommended to eat 50 to 100 extra
calorie a week until you are at your pre-diet calorie intake.
on a very restrictive diet can increase their calorie intake by 250 to
350 calories per week. It's best to consult your dietitian and check
with him before drastically changing your calorie intake.
people might need too many calories too soon while some might get
gastrointestinal distress when you introduce too many calories at once.
Reverse dieting is not for average healthy
people who are looking to lose weight. If you are looking to up your
calories after a restrictive diet plan, it's best to talk to your
dietitian for that.
labels- reverse diet, body builders, athletes, restricted diet, slowly increase, calorie intake, gastrointestinal distress,