Sunday, September 13, 2020

Excessive drinking raise high blood pressure risk in adults with Type 2 diabetes: Study

Having eight or more alcoholic beverages in a week’s time can 

increase the risk of high blood pressure (also called hypertension) 

among adults with Type 2 diabetes, according to recent research.

The new study results were published today in the Journal of the 

American Heart Association.

“This is the first large study to specifically investigate the association 

of alcohol intake and hypertension among adults with Type 2 

diabetes,” said senior study author.

“Previous studies have suggested that heavy alcohol consumption 

was associated with high blood pressure, however, the association 

of moderate alcohol consumption with high blood pressure was 

unclear,” Singleton added.

Researchers examined the relationship between alcohol 

consumption and blood pressure in more than 10,000 adults with 

Type 2 diabetes (average age 63, 61 per cent male). All participants 

had Type 2 diabetes for an average of 10 years prior to enrolling in 

the study. In addition to 10 years with Type 2 diabetes, they were at 

increased risk for cardiovascular events because they had pre-

existing ardiovascular disease.

In this study, alcohol consumption was categorized as none; light 

(1-7 drinks per week); moderate (8-14 drinks per week); and heavy 

(15 or more drinks per week). One alcoholic beverage was 

equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 

ounces of hard liquor. The number of drinks per week was self-

reported by each participant via a questionnaire when they enrolled 

in the study.

Blood pressure was categorized according to the 2017 American 

College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guideline for the 

Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood 

Pressure in Adults as normal (below 120/80 mm Hg); elevated 

(120-129/<80 mm Hg); Stage 1 high blood pressure 

(130-139/80-89 mm Hg); or Stage 2 high blood pressure (140 mm 

Hg/90 mm Hg or higher).

Most participants were already taking one or more blood pressure 

medications; therefore, the analysis of the blood pressure readings 

was adjusted to account for the effects of the medications and to 

estimate the underlying degree of high blood pressure. From the 

study, the researchers found that:

– light drinking was not associated with elevated blood pressure or 

either stage of high blood pressure;

– moderate drinking was associated with increased odds of elevated 

blood pressure by 79 per cent; Stage 1 high blood pressure by 66 per 

cent; and Stage 2 high blood pressure by 62 per cent;

– heavy drinking was associated with increased odds of elevated 

blood pressure by 91 per cent; Stage 1 high blood pressure by 149 

per cent (a 2.49-fold increase); and Stage 2 high blood pressure by 

204 per cent (a 3.04-fold increase)

– the more alcohol consumed, the higher the risk and severity of high blood pressure.

“Though light to moderate alcohol consumption may have positive 

effects on cardiovascular health in the general adult population, 

both moderate and heavy alcohol consumption appear to be 

independently associated with higher odds of high blood pressure 

among those with Type 2 diabetes,” Singleton said.


“Lifestyle modification, including tempering alcohol consumption, 

may be considered in patients with Type 2 diabetes, particularly if 

they are having trouble controlling their blood pressure. People with 

Type 2 diabetes are at higher cardiovascular risk, and our findings 

indicate that alcohol consumption is associated with hypertension, 

so limited drinking is recommended,” Singleton added.

The study has several limitations including the fact that alcohol 

consumption was based on a one-time questionnaire when 

participants enrolled in the study, therefore the results do not 

account for any changes in alcohol consumption over time. In 

addition, the study was not designed to assess if light alcohol 

consumption provided any benefits.

According to the American Heart Association, excessive drinking can 

increase the risk of high blood pressure, and people with Type 2 

diabetes are already at increased risk for high blood pressure. For 

the general population, the association recommends alcoholic 

beverages be consumed in moderation, if at all, and drinkers should 

understand the potential effects on their health.


labels- alcoholic drinks, increases, blood pressure, adults, type 2 diabetes,  cardiovascular health,

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