Sunday, September 27, 2020

Radiant And Clear Skin- Prepare These Fruity Face Packs at Home

Jam-packed with various essential nutrients, fruits are associated with an array of both health and beauty benefits. Consuming fruits on a daily basis can keep your skin clear and radiant. It can exfoliate your skin and prevent the occurrence of blemishes and pimples. To look attractive, apart from eating fruits, you can also apply them to your face. But for that, you need to prepare a fruit face pack.

There are various beauty products available in the market that claim to be safe and make you look your best. But they all contain at least some chemicals that can take a toll on your skin health. Also, you may end up getting an allergy after applying them. So, it is always better to go natural to enhance your beauty. Here, we tell you how to prepare some inexpensive but effective fruit face packs. 

Orange peel face pack

Orange peel is known to remove clogging in your skin and make it clear. Also, it prevents the onset of blckehads. If you are bothered with acne marks or dark pigmentation, you can opt for an orange peel face mask as it has been scientifically proven to lighten the skin tone. 

To prepare the orange peel face mask, all you need is the peel of 3 oranges, yogurt, and honey. Beak orange peels into small bites and make a fine powder by grinding them and drying the mixture. Post that, you need to mix a tablespoon of yogurt and honey in the powder. Apply the prepared mixture on your face and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water.

Papaya and honey face pack

Papaya is jam-packed with antioxidants like lycopene, which helps in reducing wrinkles on the skin. It can also fight against free radicals and make your skin look smooth. Papaya has also been linked to acne control and hair growth. Being rich in papain and vitamin A, papaya can remove dead skin cells by exfoliating it. It protects your skin by acting as a natural moisturizer.

To prepare papaya and honey face mask, firstly you need to blend a cup of papaya. Then, mix honey in the paste. Now, you can apply it to your face. Let it stay there for approximately 15 minutes. You can wash it off with cold water. Using it once a week can give you the required beauty benefits.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement



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