Sunday, September 27, 2020

Herbal Face Packs That Benefit Your Skin in Ways Beyond Your Imagination

When it comes to skincare, there is an array of artificial products available in the market. But the question is if they are safe? These products are packed with harmful chemicals that can be debilitating for your skin if used in the long run. So, you must ignore them when herbal products are an available option too. Ayurveda has an array of ingredients that can help in preparing homemade face packs. Herbal face packs are safe and can give you a smooth and glowing skin. They can also keep skin-related ailments at bay. Read further to know about 3 such face packs and how to prepare them.

Tulsi And Neem Face Pack

These two herbs are known to have strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help in preventing acne and other skin related ailments. Also, they can heal wounds quickly. If your skin is dull and has a tan, you can use this face pack for instant glow and to revive your skin. 

How to prepare:  Take equal quantity of Tulsi and Neem powder in a bowl. Add few drops of rose water, 2 teaspoons of Multani Mitti and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix these ingredients well and prepare a paste with thick consistency. If your skin is dry, you can add a few drops of olive oil. Next, steam your face for 3 minutes. Doing this will open the pores. Now, apply the face pack. Leave it till it dries. Then, wash off using cool water.

Aloe Vera Face Pack

During summer, tanning becomes a common problem and it doesn’t go easily. Even 5 minutes of exposure to sunlight can give you stubborn tan. To undo the damage, you can use aloe vera face pack.

How to Prepare

Extract fresh aloe vera gel and add 2 tablespoons of rose water and lemon juice in it. Mix them well and apply this paste on the affected area. Leave it for 10 minutes. Then, wash off using cool water. Also, apply ice over the tanned area. Doing this can tone the skin.

Turmeric Face Pack

Turmeric is known to be a skin lightening kitchen ingredient. It can give you instant fairness. Its rich antioxidant content can protect your skin from harmful free radicals that are associated with the onset of wrinkles and fine lines.

How to prepare

Take a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of Besan and a pinch of turmeric in it. Also, add 1 teaspoon of rose water. Prepare a paste and apply on your face. Once it completely dries, rinse off using cool water. Use this face pack twice a week to get rid of blemishes, tan, and dark spots.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement




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