Sunday, September 27, 2020

Treat Your Child’s Constipation Problem With These Natural Remedies

Is your child suffering from constipation? Don’t worry. It is normal and a few natural remedies can help you make your child comfortable and treat the problem. The cause behind constipation in children may be anything from lack of enough water and milk to the kind of food you are providing them. Treating your baby’s constipation with man-made laxatives is not a good idea. Here we tell you about certain remedies that you can try. Do consult your doctor before opting for these natural ways. 

Prune Juice

Prune juice is considered as one of the effective natural ways to treat constipation in babies. It is a natural laxative that can help in the smooth passage of stool in your kid. This natural remedy should only be given to kids older than 6 months. 


Being jam-packed with minerals including magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, raisins are easy to digest and can treat your baby’s constipation easily. Children over 1 year should only be given raisins and that too by adding them into water and then blending them. 

Coconut Oil

This natural laxative effectively treats the irregular bowel movement and provides relief from difficulty in pooping. If your baby is below 6, you can apply a little amount of coconut oil on his anus for instant relief. In case, he is above 6, you can add around 2 ml of this oil in his diet. This can make the stool loose enough to be passed easily.


Papaya is extremely beneficial especially in case of digestive problems like constipation. Helping in regular bowel movement, its consumption can treat constipation. You can either provide papaya fruit or its smoothie to your child. Notably, it is only recommended for those over 6 months.

Pear Juice

Being a rich source of pectin and dietary fiber, pear juice can improve your child’s bowel movement. Also, it can improve his body’s other digestive functions. It can be given to kid older than 4 months.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement



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