Sunday, September 27, 2020

5 Herbal Teas Packed with Health Benefits

Tea was discovered in 2737 B.C. by the Emperor of China, and for several decades was consumed mainly for its health benefits. As time passed, tea grew in significance and became an integral part of formal social gatherings, as well as, impromptu chit-chat sessions in eastern countries.

Herbal teas are a great way to stay hydrated. In most Chinese restaurants, herbal tea is served instead of water and is made from the infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark, extracted in hot water.

According to Herbalist Beacon of Elderberry Herbals in Peterborough, Ontario, we receive more benefits from organic teas than from vitamin pills.

There are plenty of herbal teas, but we have narrowed the list down to five you need to try, if you have not already.

1. Peppermint Tea: Peppermint helps digest food, it can reduce nausea and alleviates the severity of herpes outbreaks. Due to its natural fragrance from the presence of mint, it acts as a mouth freshener as well. You can easily grow peppermint herbs in your kitchen garden for the freshest herbal tea.

2. Ginger Tea: Making ginger tea is simple. Simmer a piece of ginger root on the stove for ten to fifteen minutes and add freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey. The combination of ginger root and tea makes a strong germ-fighting concoction.

3. Cardamom Tea: Cardamom is rich in flavor and packed with a host of health benefits. It is mainly grown in India and Guatemala. Cardamom tea has a pungent, sweet taste and aromatic flavor. It helps in the treatment of indigestion and stomach pain. It is particularly helpful for women suffering from mood swings during their menstrual period. If you are addicted coffee during the day, drink one or two cups of cardamom tea at night to detoxify the caffeine from your immune system.

4. Lemongrass Tea: This tea comes with a refreshing tangy taste. It contains a substance called citral, which is also present in lemon peels. Lemongrass tea is often consumed after dinner due to its capacity to aid digestion.

5. Milk Thistle: If you are dealing with liver-related issues, milk thistle herbs can be your strongest ally. It acts as a gentle liver cleanser when consumed as a tea, and contains properties that help the liver regenerate and function efficiently.

Choose the herbal tea that suits you the best. Remember, you can also grow many of the herbs listed above easily in your kitchen herb garden. If you are buying them from the grocery store or market make sure they are fresh and organic.


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