Thursday, July 23, 2020

8 Reasons You Feel Bloated And How To Fix it

If you would like to learn how to fix your bloated stomach, this is the post for you. Today we dive into the causes, symptoms, and remedies for this common and uncomfortable condition.

There are a number of reasons why this may be happening to you. It may be that you are allergic or intolerant to certain foods or you might eat too fast! Whatever the reasons, we will cover lots of information that will help you get back on top of the bloat!

1)Food intolerance- use a blood test to identify this. Bloating improves within 4-6 weeks of eliminating any aggravating foods.

2)Deficiency of digestive enzymes. Supplementing with digestive enzymes helps.

3)Gluten sensitivity or celiac disease- Start with doing an appropriate blood tests to confirm, or to start a stric gluten-free food trial.

4)Poor food combining- Eat fruits alone. Don’t combine with other foods, especially proteins. Minimize combining proteins with carbohydrates.

5)Irregular meal times- Aim for regular, small and frequent meals.

6)Intestinal yeast overgrowth- Rebalance your intestinal flora with yeast cleanse: eating no sugar-diet and take supplements.

7)Insulin resistance- Get blood work done to confirm your blood sugar levels and lower sugar and carbohydrate rich foods.

8)Other causes of dysbiosis- There’s accurate testing for bacterial overgrowth and parasites. Once identified, treatment is much simpler.

Bloated stomach symptoms

When you feel bloated check for other symptoms including-


Watery eyes, itchy throat and other signs of allergic reaction

Constipation or diarrhea

Skin rashes

Vomiting or nausea

Blood in your urine or stool

Unintentional weight loss

Trouble going to the bathroom

Pain around your lymph nodes, including in your groin, throat or armpits


Brain fog and trouble concentrating

Irregular periods


How to get rid of bloating

What causes bloating?

Bloating or gas formation in the tummy is a sign of indigestion, where the food does not get digested properly by the digestive system. Sometimes, less intake of water can cause extreme stomach bloating as it slows down the fat cells to empty the stomach. Therefore, it is always important to drink plenty of water before and after every meal however, there are certain dairy products and foods that cause bloating.

Symptoms of bloating

Stomach cramps

Back pain\painful stomach or sharp pain

Swollen belly or tight stomach

Gas, burps and hiccups

Shortness of breath ( rarely)

Grandma’s secret recipe

Asafetida is an incredible spice and an herbal remedy used for treating stomach disorders like indigestion, back pain, bloating, gas, continuous burping and stomach pain.

Stress detoxification

Medically, secretion of low hydrochloric acid ( HCL) is responsible for indigestion, which leads to bloating and flatulence. Less HCL means more bloating and gas and vice-versa.

But, who is behind all this? Stress is known to be the biggest factor for low stomach acid. Instead of digesting the food it leads to the indigestion of food.

So, here is a wonderful remedy by using lemon, turmeric and ginger to keep you away from bloating after eating, which is caused due to stress

Why lemon? Acidity in lemon increases the production of stomach acid, which helps to break down the food. It also helps the enzymes in liver to work more efficiently.

Turmeric- It has an anti-inflammatory property that works excellent in digesting the food.

Ginger- ginger helps in increasing the muscle quality around the intestines, which helps the stomach to help move down to the digestive tract.

Peppermint- it contains methanol that has an antispasmodic effect on the soft muscle of the digestive track. It is great for relaxing the churning stomach, and reducing the pain associated with gas and bloating

Fennel seeds-it is loaded with diuretic, carminative and pain reducing qualities. It also contains anti-microbial properties. All these qualities of fennel seeds make it useful to treat digestive problems like stomach pain, or lower back pain apart from bloating and gas.

Buttermilk, rock salt and fruit powder

Using these 3 powerful ingredients helps to get rid of gas, extreme bloating and mild constipation. This powerful home remedies also helps in improving digestion.


It is also known as aniseed. Anise has anti-spasmodic properties, which can help calm your digestive tract. It also has carminative properties, which assist to push out the build-up of gas in the digestive tract and decreases swelling in the stomach.


Chamomile tea is a further potent option to get relief from bloating. This herbal tea contains anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, which are very useful in soothing the stomach.

How to get rid of bloating fast?

According to experts, the most common cause of bloating is the body’s inability to correctly digest foods. One of the best ways to help your food digest properly is to drink plenty of water.

This flushes through your system and should be done before and after meals. Other causes of bloating are as follows-



Irritable bowel syndrome

Intolerance to dairy products or other food items

Eating too fast

Weight gain

Overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel


Excessive dairy consumption

Water retention

Try celery

Celery, anti-junk food can help remove the extra water.

It has a gentle diuretic effect which quickly normalizes fluids without leaving you dehydrated.

If you feel overloaded, eating extra clean for a day and including foods like celery can help you break the sugar cycle and get you back on track for healthy eating.

Spinach 1 cup

Apple 1 small

Celery 1 stalk\cucumber ½

Berries  ½ cup

Water  ½ cup


Blend all well together in the blender, enjoy the drink. It’s not as bad as you think, tastes quite good.

De-bloat naturally

Cucumber 1

Celery 3 stalks .

Lemon ½

Kale lead 1

Green apple 1

The bloated stomach diet

Probiotics- good bacteria foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, yoghurt, kefir and kombucha kill bad bacteria that trigger digestive issues.

Raw dairy products as opposed to conventional dairy like aged/ raw cheese, kefir and yoghurt limit megative reactions, even in people who are lactose intolerant.

Water-rich fruits and vegetables- leafy greens, cucumber, celery, fennel, artichoke, melon, berries, steamed veggies, and cultured/ fermented vegetables relieve stomach bloating naturally.

Herbs, spices and teas- herbs and spices like ginger, dandelion,  aloe vera, fennel, parsley, oregano, rosemary and ginger root, in addition to herbal teas, essential oils, bone broth and green tea naturally soothe digestion.

Foods to avoid-

Sugar and sweetened snacks- sugar easily ferments in the gut, contributes to candida and promotes inflammation.

Conventional dairy- flavoured yoghurts and other dairy with sugar and artificial ingredients remove important enzymes that protect the gut.

Refined grains- gluten, corn, oats and other grains are difficult to digest for many people.

Sulfur and FOFMAP carbs- veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion and garlic are difficult to digest for some.

Some other foods to avoid include carbonated drinks, chewing gum, artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols ( aspartame, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol) and certain fermentable fruits- like apples, avocado, peaches and other stone fruit.

Anti-bloat foods

Almonds and their butter

Apples and their juice




Whole melons

Carrots and their juice



Whole citrus and their juice


Cranberries and their juice

Dandelions and their teas


Herbal teas

Parsley and their teas


Flax seed

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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