Thursday, April 09, 2020

Milk vs. Curd: Which is a healthier dairy product?

For all those people who love dairy products, choosing between milk and curd might be a hard choice. A glass of milk might look attractive, but so does a bowl of curd. If you consume milk and curd on a regular basis, you might have thought which one of them is a healthier dairy product. Both milk and curd have their own health benefits which are further explained down below.

There are countless varieties of milk available in the market, starting from full cream, soy milk, single toned to flavored milk and double toned milk. Milk is known to build healthy bones and keep a check on high blood pressure due to the potassium content in it. Here are the nutrient properties present in milk, which will help you compare between milk and curd:

    On an average 250 ml of fat free milk contains 90 calories and 9 gm of protein.
    A fat free cup of milk contains 8% vitamin-B12 and 2% vitamin A.
    A cup of fat free milk has around 12% calcium, 1% sodium, 2% magnesium and 4% potassium.

Similar to milk, curd too has several variants such as fat free curd, flavored curd etc. With its unique taste and texture, curd can be eaten either along with meals or even separately. Curd is easier to digest as compared to milk and keeps you full for long. Filled with good bacteria, curd helps in cleaning the digestive tract and also keeps infections at bay. Here are its nutrient properties.

    A cup of fat free curd may have over 98 calories and 11 g of protein.
    Being a rich source of Vitamins, a cup of fat free curd contains Vitamins in same quantity as that in milk, which is 8% vitamin-B12 and 2% vitamin A.
    Comparing other properties, a cup of fat free curd has around 8% calcium, 15% sodium, 2% magnesium and 2% potassium.

Milk or Curd?
Though there is not much difference between milk and curd’s nutritional value, curd still has an edge over milk. With its unique properties of keeping gut healthy and preventing infections, curd is also easier to digest as compared to milk. You can make both of them a part of your daily diet, in order to gain more benefits.

People suffering from bloating, constipation, arthritis, asthma should avoid curd and stick to milk. Smaller kids should be given both, milk and curd, as they are at a growing stage and require both the dairy products.

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