Thursday, April 09, 2020

Tips to track your temperature during the coronavirus pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to most parts of the world like a wildfire. One of the most telling symptoms of the infection include fever, dry cough and breathlessness. With the number of cases increasing constantly, the pressure on the medical resources of the country has never been greater. Now, 95% of cases of the virus have mild symptoms that can be treated and handled at home with proper quarantine precautions. For people who have mild symptoms or are still asymptomatic but fear having been in contact with the virus, the advice given by doctors is that they need to measure their temperature at least twice a day and monitor it to help determine if they are getting better or worse.

Here are a few tips verified by doctors that you can follow when you are monitoring your temperature at home.

The number may vary
We have been always told that the normal body temperature is 98.6-degree Fahrenheit. However, research has suggested that the normal body temperature is actually a bit lower at 97.9-degree Fahrenheit. Body temperature also varies from person to person according to body weight, height and other factors. Therefore, to gauge if you have a proper fever look for a thermometer reading of 100.5-degree Fahrenheit or more.

Timing is important
Some people might not wake up with a fever but develop one during the day. Usually, the time between 4 pm and 9 pm is when most fevers reach their peak. Therefore, if you are measuring your temperature twice a day, one of them should be during this time. Also, measuring your temperature at the exact same time every day will also help you to gauge for any fluctuations

What equipment should you use
If you are measuring your temperature you do not need anything fancy. A simple medical thermometer, digital or mercury, is enough to give you an accurate reading of your body temperature. There is no need for spending big money to buy a scanning device that uses infrared technology to help detect your temperature by simply putting it on your forehead. These kinds of devices are usually used in high traffic areas like airports and thus provide no special advantage when being used at home. Remember to disinfect the thermometer thoroughly after using it and do not share yours with anyone else in the family.

Other telling signs of a fever
The thermometer is the most accurate way to tell if you are running a fever or not. However, there are also other telling signs in our body that indicate whether we have a fever or not. We have been recognizing these signs since childhood. Alternating chills and sweats and body aches are the two most prevalent signs of a fever.

When you monitor your fever for a few days and do not find it reducing, it is time that you go see your nearest doctor. In the meanwhile, it is important that you isolate yourself from your loved ones to save them from being potentially infected with the virus as well.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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