Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Guide to social distancing: The Dos and Don’ts of a lockdown

Are you practicing social distancing?

Social distancing is the need of the hour.

With coronavirus infection cases in India crossing 500, authorities are imposing stringent curbs and lockdowns. It has become now more important than ever to take these precautions seriously and follow strict social distancing.

Social distancing means isolating yourself from the crowd to lessen the infection spread. Since coronavirus spreads through respiratory droplets, this can help avoid unnecessary transmission, and in turn, help cut down the number of cases.

To be more precise, distancing yourself also requires one to avoid public gatherings, parties, places frequented by the public (more than 10 people) and maintaining almost a distance of six feet, wherever you can.

How to stay safe from coronavirus

While social distancing would require you to stay put at your home, you cannot fully avoid running errands or picking up groceries for your survival at home. That ultimately means, you are going to be in touch with public utilities and go to places where there might be other people coming too and chances of touching something germy or infectious naturally goes up.

When the home is the safest place you can be, what can you do to avoid bringing germs and viruses in? If you are just as confused, here is an explainer on how to practice social distancing in the right manner:
Question yourself: Is that trip ABSOLUTELY neccessary?

Authorities suggest people postpone important work and step out only if it is neccessary. Yes, sitting at home can get a little boring but this is not the safest time for you to step out of home for leisure. Neither does it mean you go to another friend's home because it will be "safe".

Before stepping out, ask yourself if you could delay or manage it any other way, or at a later date. It is not the best time for outings and staying at home is your best form of protection.

For groceries, ensure that you go out to pick the essentials which are enough to fulfill your basic needs. Try and maintain distance from other shoppers, or go visit a store during the non-peak hours.

If you absolutely must step out for a walk, practice safety precautions and maintain considerable distance. At-home workouts are another option you can give a try.

Take safety in your own hands.

Wherever, whenever you go back, do remember that your safety rests in your own hands. If you do not practice good hygiene or care, chances run high that not only will you catch the infection, but also infect all other people you interact with.

Ensure that you keep a sanitizer or disinfecting wipes on you at all times. If you are coughing or sneezing, it's best to stay in. If you must go out, wear a mask. Avoid touching surfaces like doorknobs, handles or the floor when you go to the market. Stand in a queue and maintain a good distance to avoid picking up germs along the way.

The most vital thing to remember is to NOT break the quarantine time. 14 days self-quarantine is a must now. One day you break it, you invite germs and reset the quarantine counter. It is for your own good to stay in.

Sanitizing and disinfecting once you come back is a MUST
From your shoes to the phone or the bag you carry, germs can reside anywhere and find their way in. Hence, disinfection and sanitizing are important when you come back home. Remove your shoes, clean your spectacles or bag. You can also take a shower if you want.

Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds is a must-do job, without fail. Avoid sharing towels. Clean and disinfect your phone or any such thing you could have taken outside and brought in.

If you are having food from outside, or takeaway, ensure that you transfer the food onto other clean, safe utensils and then eat. As a safety measure, clean your hands after touching any packaged commodity too.

If you have a pet at home and need to take him or her for a walk, make sure you clean and disinfect his paws too. Allow ventilation and fresh air to come in the rooms. Change bed sheets and clean common utility items frequently.

If you are living with someone who is at risk, allocate a separate room for them. DO NOT share utilities at any cost. While you can't disinfect everything, you can always minimize the risk factors.

Try not to PANIC

Yes, it can be overwhelming and anxiety-inducing to stay at home and listen to all the updates, fearing for your health. Not being able to step outside, as you normally do, during these curfew hours can also make you restless.

Remember, you aren't alone. There is an entire population experiencing the same set of feelings as you. Take a breath and do not give in to panic. This is also a good time to practice meditation and positive affirmations which can calm you and centre your mind.

As long as you are aware, follow set guidelines and take care of your health, you are doing good. No need to worry.

Avoid visiting elderlies

The lockdown is most likely the time many of us would worry about the elderlies and those with compromised health living apart from us. While it seems thoughtful to go visit them, it will be best if you limit your interactions with them during this vulnerable time. Even if they are staying in a safe environment, you can transmit sickness onto them.

As a measure, avoid visiting people until it is necessary, or they are in dire need of food, supply, medicines or help. The same rule applies for kids play dates and other friends and relatives too.

Do stay in touch with your circle during this isolated time, but do not take extreme ste

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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