Monday, April 06, 2020

What the lockdown is teaching us about our money spending habits

With the lockdown in place most you might be confined within the four walls of your home. While some of you might be hating working from home, others might be rejoicing the same. Though the country is going through a sensitive period currently, think about the good things you are doing while staying at home. You are saving bucks due to the absence of several activities you previously used to do. Here are a few things which would make you happy about your savings:

No travel expenses
As all of you are working from home and seldom step out, there absolutely no travel expenses. You are currently saving on the money you used to spend while going to and coming back from the office. With all events cancelled and public places closed, you are neither taking any cabs not taking your own car out. Thus, saving more money in the process.

No shopping expenses
With malls and shopping complex shut, you are currently home bound. You are just buying the month ration and everyday vegetables and thus, saving on other shopping expenses like clothes, shoes and accessories. Working from home also adds to the benefit, as you don't need new clothes every day. Most of you might not even have touched your fancy clothes since the lockdown as you mostly work in your pyjamas.

No food bills
Closing down of Zomato and Swiggy at most places might have come as shock for most of you but imagine the amount of money you are saving because of that. It has also made you eat healthier as home cooked meals occupy most of your diet. For the sake of taking precautions, most of you are avoiding eating out which is further saving the money bills in your wallet.

No Impulsive purchasesMost of you might be guilty of purchasing 'n' number of things which are lying idle in your homes. It could be a beautiful candle holder, a soft plush or a cute bottle which might have looked super cute and useful in the first place. Only after purchasing it you realize that all that the items do is waste space and money. The lockdown has helped bringing down your impulsive purchases for sure. You aren't shopping online nor going to the malls and thus don't have the opportunity to buy extra things.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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