Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How to be positive in times of crisis like now

I know that most people are worried about the dreaded corona-virus - COVID-19, that has become pandemic now. Most countries have put a ban on people entering their countries, even its own citizens from the virus affected countries. Some may call it unwanted action by the government. NO. The main reason for the virus becoming pandemic is easy travel of people from affected places to other places within their own country or other countries. 

Just like what happens, when one child has chickenpox at home, then the other child will surely get it after 15 days, even if you got the children separated once the pox was seen. Actually, when fever starts itself, one is in contagious state, but no one knows that. So, you can't blame anyone. As for corona-virus, some people who are healthy, may not show any sign or usual symptoms associated with the disease. Luckily, due to their strong immune system, they're able to fight it. But, when they go near those whose immune systems are poor, they can spread the disease. 

What is most important is precaution. 
1) stay away from crowded places
2) wear mask in case you do have to go out
3) when outside, where you may touch, but DON'T touch your face, nose or eyes till you've washed your hands well with soap.
4) When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth well, so that you don't spread the germs to others.
5) don't think isolation is bad, it is necessary to curtail the spread of the disease and for one's own safety.
6) don't panic if you've fever or cold, as not all all cold and fever are due to corona-virus. In case, you don't get relief from taking medicine for normal flu, contact your physician to rule out other infections.
7) this is the time for meditation, yoga, introspect, have positive thoughts and eat healthy, be happy.
8) When you're positive, your good hormone levels increase, which boosts your immunity.
9) listen to music, though in isolation, thanks to technology, you can still stay connected with your near and dear ones through Whatasapp calls, video calls, then you can see your loved ones, which will make you happy.

Good luck to all, self-curtailment is the need of the hour now. It is for your own good and for the good of others too. Be happy. 

Don't panic, according to predictions, by the end of this month, the virus will slowly fade away and by mid next month, everything will be back to normal.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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