Monday, March 02, 2020

10 signs of Vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A is found in many fruits and vegetables commonly available, yet most people don't think too much about whether they're getting enough of it in the food they consume. Nor do they consider the possible consequences that can arise from not getting a sufficient amount of vitamin A in their diet.

Contained in green, leafy vegetables, orange vegetables, eggs and cantaloupe, vitamin A is crucial to both the eye's and the body's health, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). If you suffer from the 10 symptoms below, you should check and see if you're getting enough of this important vitamin in your diet.

1. Night blindness
The AAO states that vitamin A is responsible for the eye's ability to see the "full spectrum of light." Without sufficient vitamin A in the diet, the eye can't produce the receptors needed for proper night vision.

2. Hazy vision
Vitamin A deficiencies can also cause a thickening of the cornea, which causes things to appear hazy or cloudy.

3. Corneal sores
Sores on the cornea of the eye can start out as blisters or pustules and advance from there.

4. Respiratory infections
Vitamin A deficiencies can also cause respiratory infections.

5. Impaired immune system
Vitamin A is one of the vitamins that helps the body fight sickness. According to the AAO, people who are vitamin-A deficient have a greater risk of dying from malaria, measles, and diarrhea.

6. Dry hair
Dry hair may be a sign of vitamin A deficiencies.

7. Brittle nails
Nails are also affected by vitamin A, and they can become brittle without enough of this crucial vitamin.

8. Dry skin
Skin can become dry and thicken, especially around the hair follicles. Someone with a vitamin A deficiency may see large patches of scaly skin with a whitish, flaky look to the surface.

9. Stunted growth
For children, the symptoms are more severe. Often children who don't get enough vitamin A have stunted growth.

10. Blindness
Another symptom unique to children is complete blindness that could have been prevented.
Making sure you eat a balanced diet is important for all your body's needs. Take an extra helping of spinach or carrots, and remind yourself that your body thanks you. If you or someone you love is experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, you may want to visit your doctor. 

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