Sunday, February 16, 2020

Your gut bacteria can have an impact on your weight loss goals

In an ideal, utopian world, you should be able to gulp down everything you love to, without adding the calories that they come with. Well, if you think that this is too good to be true, you may be wrong. This wishful thinking probably comes true in some cases, courtesy, trillions of bacteria that live in your gut or digestive tract. Your body is the hub of countless bacteria and most of them have their homes in your intestine. While many of these gut bacteria can give you tough times, there are quite a few which play pivotal roles in helping you perform several physiological functions. For example, they are instrumental in making your metabolism more efficient, and producing certain chemicals and hormones that make you hungry or full. All these have an impact on your weight loss goals.

There is a wide range of scientific studies that have found a direction link between your body weight and gut bacteria. Here, we share some of them with you.

Bacteria named Christensenellaceae
A study published in the journal Cell finds that this having lesser number of these gut bacteria is associated with being obese. The best thing is, most of us have them. However, the quantity is determined by our genes.

Diversity in the gut bacteria
The higher the diversity of your gut bacteria, the better are your chances of shedding those extra kilos, finds a growing body of research. This is because, a higher diversity in these microorganisms ensures faster metabolism, a pre-requisite for weight loss. Interestingly, some studies suggest that lean people harbour 70 per cent more bacteria in their gut. Therefore, their  gut bacteria diversity is higher than their overweight counterparts. There are other studies which have found that people with relatively less diverse gut bacteria are obese.

Gut bacteria and your appetite
Your body secretes hormones that control your hunger. They are known as leptin and ghrelin. Research reveals that your gut bacteria influence the amount of these chemicals and therefore, your appetite.

Include more fibre in your meals. They are known to nourish gut bacteria and enhance their diversity. Aim for 20-30 grams of fibre every day. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are your best options. These foods, along with bananas and garlic offer ample amount of prebiotics in ample amounts. These are fibres that your gut bacteria feed on. Also, avoid processed foods.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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