Monday, December 23, 2019

Weight loss: Apple cider vinegar cleanse to lose weight

Overweight or not, we all seek detox to get rid of toxins and give our system a fresh start.
You must have heard about juice detox, salad detox but have you heard of apple cider vinegar detox? A mixture of apple cider vinegar with some spices is the new cleanse that people are trying in order to lose weight. 

The detox is reportedly helping people lose weight, lower their cholesterol, control blood sugar, lower the blood pressure, boost the immune system, relieve constipation and regulate the body's pH. 

What is apple cider vinegar detox?
The idea of using apple cider vinegar for detoxification goes back to thousands of years. Some even claim it to be the father of medicine.

For the detox, you need to use the unfiltered apple cider that still has “the mother” (unrefined, unpasteurized and unfiltered ACV that has beneficial bacteria) in it. The mother contains the good bacteria for the gut and vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Apple cider vinegar with the mother can be cloudy or murky.

How to do an apple cider vinegar detox
Take 1 – 2 tablespoons of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, 250 ml purified or distilled water and 1- 2 tablespoons sweeteners (honey, maple syrup or stevia).

Some people like to add lemon or pepper to the mixture. One must consume this regularly for a set period of time (week or month) to reap benefits. Many people prefer consuming it three times a day – upon waking, midmorning and mid-afternoon.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss
A Japanese study conducted in 2009 studied 155 people. These people were divided into three groups with one group having a placebo, another group having 1 tablespoon of ACV and the third group having 2 tablespoons of ACV.

After 12 weeks, it was found that people who had placebo lost no weight, while those who had vinegar lost 2 – 4 pounds by the end of the study.

Apple cider cleanse are said to be satiating, which can help you lose weight. The vinegar’s acidity can activate the low pH and slow digestion. Slow digestion means feeling fuller and thus no binge eating. 

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