Sunday, December 22, 2019

Overspill of fat shown to cause Type 2 diabetes

Researchers have been able to observe people developing type 2 diabetes- and confirmed that fat over-spills from the liver into the pancreas, triggering the chronic condition.

We saw that when a person accumulates too much fat, which should be stored under the skin, then it has to go elsewhere in the body. The amount that can be stored under the skin varies from person to person, indicating a ' personal fat threshold' above which fat can cause mischief, said the lead author of the study.

The study involved a group of people, who previously had type 2 diabetes but had lost weight and successfully reversed the condition as part of the DiRECT trial.

Although the majority remained non-diabetic for the rest of the 2 year study, however, a small group went on to regain weight and re-developed type 2 diabetes.

When fat cannot be safely stored under the skin, it is then stored inside the liver, and over-spills to the rest of the body including the pancreas. This ' clogs up' the pancreas, switching off the genes which direct how insulin should effectively be produced and this causes type 2 diabetes, he said.

According to the researchers, this study confirms that type 2 diabetes is caused by excess fat actually within both the liver and pancreas, and especially that this process is reversible.

This new study builds on previous research showing exactly why type 2 diabetes can be reversed back to normal glucose control.

Those studies led to the large DiRECT trial which showed that primary care staff can achieve remission of type 2 diabetes by using a low calorie diet with support to maintain the weight loss.

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