Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Muscle Building Can Reduce The Risk Of Type-2 Diabetes; Know Other Ways To Prevent Type-2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes which contributes to almost 95%of the diabetes cases. In this form, a person's body is not able to use insulin properly. To beat diabetes effectively you need to manage blood sugar levels. Modifications in the diet are often recommended to control blood sugar levels. Exercise is another way to control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes. A research highlighted how muscle building can help you prevent the risk of type-2 diabetes. The study explained the association of type-2 diabetes with muscle building.

Type-2 diabetes and muscle building

The study which was published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings states that muscle strength can lower the risk of type-2 diabetes. For the study, 4,500 adults were examined. The results of the study explained that muscle mass reduced the risk of type-2 diabetes by 32 percent. To start with muscle training for diabetes you need to start with some warm-up exercises. Later you can continue with some basic strength training. You can also consult a trainer to help you understand muscle training in a better way.

Other ways to prevent type-2 diabetes

1. Lose weight if you are overweight

Unhealthy weight can trigger various health issues including diabetes. Excess weight can significantly increase the risk of diabetes. You should involve more physical activities to shed weight. Being overweight can affect your body's response to insulin which can put you at a higher risk of diabetes.

2. Skip diets and eat healthy

You hear about a new diet every other day. But are these diets making you nutrition deprived? You should eat a healthy and balanced diet which is loaded with nutrients. It will help you reduce the risk of diabetes and will also promote a healthy weight.

Do not follow every diet blindly to lose weight, eat healthy to maintain healthy weight

3. Eat more fibre

Fibre is beneficial for your health in many ways. It is often recommended to eat more fibre throughout the day. It will reduce the risk of diabetes and can also keep your heart healthy. Fibre can keep you full for longer which will also help you lose weight as it will control your appetite.

4. Avoid processed foods

Processed foods can also put you at a higher risk of diabetes. Consumption of processed foods is linked to many health issues like poor heart health, obesity and poor skin health. You should consume such a diet which has a more healthy options and less of processed foods.

this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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