Friday, May 03, 2019

Some benefits of eating mangoes

May Help Treat Diabetes

What is the relation between mango and diabetes? A study of 20 obese adults showed that the consumption of half a fresh mango for 12 weeks results in lowered blood glucose levels. This effect, according to researchers, was attributed to the presence of fiber and mangiferin, a phytochemical .
Another study  proved that the extract of a mango peel has antidiabetic properties .
A study showed that mangiferin might have beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes patients .

Promote Healthy Sex

Mangoes can be good aphrodisiacs too !
The fruit is rich in vitamin E, which is known to boost sex drive . In an Australian study, the combination of vitamin E and beta-carotene was found to improve sperm health in men . This combination was also found to be the best defense against sperm damage . In another report published by the US National Institutes of Health, vitamin E was found to protect the sperm membrane from oxidate damage .
Zinc is another important mineral for male and female fertility, and mangoes are rich in it .

Improves Digestion

One primary reason mangoes are great for digestion is the presence of fiber that prevents constipation. Fiber also keeps us full for long . It keeps our colon clean and allows it to work optimally. In addition, mangoes contain certain digestive enzymes that break down proteins and aid digestion.
Fiber has also been found to maintain the health of the digestive tract, which invariably enhances digestion .

Aid Weight Loss

Mango for weight loss? Yes, you heard it right. Certain studies have focused on the importance of not just the mango fruit, but its skin as well. The secret lies in the phytochemicals that act as natural fat busters, which are found only on the outer side of the fruit .
Another study conducted emphasized the importance of the mango peel (which most of us usually throw away) for weight loss.

Mangoes contain fiber, which can be a great contributor towards weight loss. In a study, it was proved that dietary fiber, especially obtained from the consumption of fruits and vegetables, can aid weight loss . This is related to the ability of fiber to decrease food intake in general, thereby promoting weight loss.

Help Prevent Asthma

Asthma, though common, can have serious repercussions. But with a bowl of mangoes on your kitchen counter, you probably don’t have to worry much.
Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin C . Though most studies have warranted further research on the link between vitamin C and asthma treatment, they do state that vitamin C might have beneficial effects in certain cases .

Improve Eye Health

The most delicate, but one of the most important organs of your body – the eye. And coming to your eye health, mangoes are more than good. They are incredible.
The vitamin A and beta-carotene in mangoes help boost eye health . The severest cases of vitamin A deficiency can even lead to blindness. A report published by the Oregon State University seconds the fact. Vitamin A improves eye health and vision. Specifically speaking, the vitamin is essential for the optimal functioning of the retina .
The human eye has two major carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin. Mangoes are a rich source of zeaxanthin and invariably help improve eye health .
According to a  study, mangoes contain a carotenoid called cryptoxanthin that was found to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration in elderly Japanese . And according to the researchers, zeaxanthin in mangoes also helps prevent macular degeneration .

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