Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Innovative 50minute workout that reduces heart attack risk

Working out for just 5 minutes can now reduce heart attack risks. A research has found an innovative 5 minutes workout that is not only time efficient but, reduces your heart attack risk, helps you think more clearly and boost your sports performance.

Preliminary results from a clinical trial of Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST), were presented at a conference recently.

IMST is basically strength-training for the muscles you breathe in with, said the lead author of the study.

Developed in the 1980s as a means to wean critically ill people off ventilators, IMST involves breathing in vigorously through a hand-held device, an inspiratory muscle trainer- which provides resistance. Imagine sucking hard through a straw which sucks back.

It's something you do quickly in your home or office, without having to change your clothes, and so far it looks it is very beneficial to lower blood pressure and possibly boost cognitive and physical performance, he said.

During early use in patients with lung disease, patients performed a 30 minute, low-resistance regimen daily to boost their lung capacity.

But in 2016, researchers published results from a trial to see if just 30 inhalations per day with greater resistance might help sufferers of obstructive sleep apnea, who tend to have weak breathing muscles.
In addition to more restful sleep, subjects showed an unexpected side effect after 6 weeks. Their systolic blood pressure plummeted by 12 millimeters of mercury. That's about twice as much of a decrease as aerobic exercise can yield and more than many medications deliver.

That's when we got interested, said principal investigator.

Systolic blood pressure, which signifies the pressure in your vessels when your heart beats, naturally creeps up as arteries stiffen with age, leading to damage of blood-starved tissues and a higher risk of heart attack, cognitive decline and kidney damage.

While 30 minutes per day of aerobic exercise has clearly been shown to lower blood pressure, only about 5 % of adults meet that minimum. Meanwhile, 65% of mid-life adults have high systolic blood pressure.

Our goal is to develop time-efficient, evidence-based interventions that those busy mid-life adults will actually perform, said a researcher.

The preliminary results showed that with about half the tests done, the researchers have found significant drops in blood pressure and improvements in large-artery function among those who performed IMST with no changes in those who used a sham breathing device that delivered low-resistance.

The IMST group is also performing better n certain cognitive and memory tests.

When asked to exercise to exhaustion, they're also able to stay on the treadmill longer and keep their heart rate and oxygen consumption lower during exercise.

Some cyclists and runners have already begun to use commercially-available inspiartory muscle trainer to gain a competitive edge.

But researchers stress that their findings are preliminary and curious individuals should ask their doctor before considering IMST.

That said, with a high compliance rate ( fewer than 10 % of study participants drop out) and no real side-effects, they're optimistic.

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in America, said a researcher. Having another option in the toolbox to help prevent it would be a real victory.

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