Tuesday, April 09, 2019

A Mother Discovers A Simple Product To Give Relief from itching to her daughter with chickenpox

A mother whose young daughter was left writhing in agony by itchy chicken pox scabs has revealed that a simple shampoo helped to soothe them.   

A young mother said she was amazed when her daughter's doctor advised the family to use Head and Shoulders Classic Clean shampoo to calm the child's inflamed skin.

So impressed was the mother by the transformation in her daughter's skin, she took to social media to share the remedy.   

Writing on Facebook, she said: 'Anyone whose kiddies pick up chicken pox, I cannot recommend this enough. 

She continued: Her daughter went to the docs today and we were advised to use Head and Shoulders CLASSIC as a bubble bath to soothe the spots.

The difference is unbelievable! Over an hour without a single scratch or moan! No more angry red spots. Hopefully this helps anyone else who is at their wits' end with scratching children.'

She also shared pictures of her daughter's skin in a post that has now gone viral, gathering 27,000 likes and more than 158,000 shares.  

Many have commented on the post confirming that the surprising technique worked, while many others made a note to use the shampoo when their own children get the childhood infection.

One mother wrote: 'We’ve used it the last two days it has helped,' 

Many Facebook users also commented that Head and Shoulders shampoo comes in handy for other skin conditions such as eczema or even acne.  

'A colleague of mine also recommended Head and Shoulders for eczema,' one user wrote. 

Another added: 'I've heard it's really good for acne too, it has the same ingredients as a lot of spot remedies'. 

Chickenpox is highly contagious and caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. Although you can get it at any age, it mostly affects children and last one to two weeks. 

It starts with red spots which then fill with fluid, before bursting and scabbing over. 

The challenge for parents is to keep their children from scratching the scabs which can cause scarring if not allowed to heal on their own. 

Other side effects of chickenpox include a high temperature of 38C, aches and pains, generally feeling unwell and a loss of appetite.

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