Saturday, March 09, 2019

Vitamin D improves asthma symptoms related to pollution in children

Vitamin D may protect against pollution-associated asthma symptoms in obese children. Conversely low blood vitamin D levels were related to the harmful respiratory effects of indoor air pollution among obese children with asthma.

Vitamin D may be protective among asthmatic obese children living in urban enviroments with high indoor air pollution, finds a new study. 

" Asthma is an immune-mediated disease," said the lead author of the study, as Asst. Prof. of medicine , pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. From previous scientific studies, we knew that Vitamin D was a molecule that  may influence asthma by impacting antioxidant or immune-related pathways.

The team has identified many factors that make children susceptible to health problems from air pollution throughout some places.

According to experts, one in 112 children in U.S. have asthma, which totals 6.1 million children nationally. Additionally, asthma disproportionately impacts urban minority populations. Higher indoor pollution, from sources such as cigarette smoking, cooking, burning of candles and incense, is linked to greater respiratory problems, including worsening of asthma symptoms and more hospital visits.

The expert explained that at the time, the study was being conceived, researchers were seeing Vitamin D deficiencies across the U.S. " It became very clear that African-American were at higher risk for Vitamin D deficiency, particlualarly inpoorer section of the society. It seemed as though Vitamin D deficiency and asthma were coincident and interacting in some way."

The study rested 3 factors- air pollution levels in homes, blood vitamin D levels, and asthma symptoms , in 120 school-aged children with pre-existing asthma in the Baltimore area. 1/3rd of the study participants were also obese. The children were evaluated at the start of the study and 3 times over the next 9 months.

Overall, they found that having low blood Vitamin D levels was related to the harmful respiratory effects of indoor air pollution among obese children with asthma. Conversely, in homes that had the highest indoor air pollution, higher blood Vitamin D levels were linked to fewer asthma symptoms in obese children.

" What surprised us the most was that the findings of the study showed the effects were most pronounced among obese children", the researcher said. " This highlights a 3rd factor at play here- the obesity epidemic- and helps bring that risk to light when considering individual susceptibility to asthma".

The Dr. said they will work to identify ways to increase blood Vitamin D levels in these children, helping them to be more resilient to environmental insults.

" One way to increase blood Vitamin D levels is to increase sun exposure, but that isn't always possible in urban environments, or in people with darker skin pigmentation, she said. " Another way is through dietary supplements or eating more foods that are high in Vitamin D, such as fatty fish, mushrooms or foods fortified with Vitamin D, such as bread, orange juice or milk".

Another Dr. added, " Another important take home point is how the complex environment comes together to contribute to extra burden of asthma in these low-income, urban communities. Our results suggest that improving the asthma burden in the community may require a multi-faceted approach."

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